
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mary's Butterfly Stats

This time I did my homework. The butterfly is all rings so it matters how much thread is on the shuttle. I've found that 25 winds around a Clover shuttle is about one yard. I couldn't remember how much I wound the last time so I wound plenty this time, about six yards worth. Well....80-90 turns will complete the butterfly and leave a 10-12 inch tail for sewing. That's a tiny bit less than four yards. I think this was size 30 instead of size 20 thread but it's still the same distance around the core of the shuttle so you certainly wouldn't need more thread unless you use larger than size 20.

I also completed it in 50 minutes, under the hour! I left the long tail because I am going to stitch it to a muslin bag eventually.

Sometimes when you admire something online, you are pleasantly surprised by the postie in record time! I really liked this pendant Jane tatted up recently and dear friend that she is, she gifted me with it! I just found a pink-ish chain in my stash to wear it with. Thank you Jane!

Hmmmmmm....I see Blogger has changed the posting box format. All the key elements are still there though. to something else!


  1. I love the design of this butterfly, and the color too:-)

  2. Thanks for the info on the butterfly! I haven't tried it yet, but it is on my "to do" list.

    I have seen those colored chains before... great idea to match the chain to Jane's lovely pendant!

  3. I love your butterfly, gorgeous colour, I have a scheduled post with marys butterflies I think its next week or the week after while I am away,
    Beautiful pendant and gorgeous colours.

  4. YOU completed in in less than an hour... Hmmm, I might need about four hours!
    Fox : ))

  5. VERY helpful information about estimating thread length. And, lucky you, receiving Jane's beautiful pendant!

  6. Nice butterfly! :)

  7. thx for sharing the particulars! This is a lovely pattern + I haven't had the chance to tat it (yet).

  8. That gorgeous pendant looks very fine on your chain.

  9. I love the butterfly in this colour. Thank you for the thread estimate.

    What a lovely pendant from Jane. Lucky you!!


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