I’ve been reading the September issue of Threads. I don’t buy it very often, though it always has good stuff in it, because it’s kind of expensive for no more than I actually use it. It inspired a few ideas so I bought it.
The Ribbon Jar was started by Amber Lee after searching for ribbon she saw in magazines and not being able to find it anywhere by the yard. Frustrated she decided to take matters into her own hands, and began The Ribbon Jar. Check out “ideas” in the Navigation menu on the left.
Looking for something to attach your tatting to? Perhaps some fine linens or infant apparel?
Embroider This has some lovely “blanks”. It’s for embroidery but I think you could put a tatted appliqué on there just as easily.
I was tempted to replace my cutting/craft table when I saw all the drawers on these
sewing tables, but the price seemed ridiculously high. I’ll stick with my current table, thank you. It did get me to thinking though….and measuring.

I’ve got 12” on each side of my table about 27” high that is wasted space. I am pretty sure I could find some storage towers at Walmart or another store that would fit in there quite nicely. AND – I believe I could attach a slide-out drawer in the middle. This table was a garage-sale find a few years ago. I love it. I also have it completely covered with a sewing machine and serger and patterns and books and ….stuff. I just recently (TODAY) decided I will be painting this room the colors I was going to paint the bathroom but haven’t gotten around to doing yet and my mind is going bananas with ideas! I have fabric for the curtains…plus I’ve been wanting to make one of those curtains with pockets to keep some things handy. I’m excited now.
Plus….now I can paint the bathroom a different color to go with my new pretty shower curtain!
Yessiree….lots of painting in my future.
OH, Threads has a nice article about “Fitting to Flatter the Midsection”.
“Whatever your size, a full-abdomen body type is a special fitting challenge. Here’s how to do it right.” That’s me all right. Even at my skinniest, my weight was in my belly. I’ve always had a thick waist, even at 101 pounds. It’s my build. So I’ve learned to compensate in the style of dress I wear – no tightly-cinched waists for me. I’ll have to read this article. I don’t make my clothes any more, but this might be incentive to start again.
For those who are into folkwear or authentic clothing, try
Birch Street Folkwear patterns. There’s the
Caravan/Ethnic Collection, the
Asian/Oriental Collection, the
Prairie/Frontier Collection, the
Old Europe Collectionm, the
Vintage/Romantic Colleciton, the
Americas Collection, the
Retro/Glamour Collection, and the
Children’s Collection of much of the above.

Aren’t these lovely and lavish tea bags?
Tea Forte I bought 2 tins, one of ginger and one of citrus mint, each with 2 bags in it, from Interior Objects at the weekend. They are quite expensive ($4.95 each tin) so I will save it for an OCCASION.

I've been tatting this edging for the fairy baby. I think I will put it on a hanky bonnet. I'm not overly fond of pink thread so I try not to buy a lot of it. This size 60 vintage thread was only ten cents when it was purchased! I tested it's strength and it seems fine. I used to have a soft pink size 30 thread, but apparently I used it all. Everything else I have is too big or a not-baby pink. I think I get to see her Wednesday. Guess I better tat faster!