I completed the T.A.T. Artisan phase at the weekend and it goes in the mail today. Immediately after that, I started a baby bonnet - tentively.

I got the pattern from
Tatman's website, under vintage patterns and actually started on a whim. The directions don't say what size thread to use so I used size 80. LOL! No, I don't like to torture myself. It was a pretty color and I wanted to see how it might work up. I think it might be too fine for this however and if that's the case, it will become a doll bonnet. I've already found an error in the instructions. The round after this one does not match the photo, grainy as it is, so I've changed the directions to match as well as I can tell. Except for all the retro-tats, it's been going along quickly.
February has come and gone and I ignored my blog anniversary - forgot it actually. February 13 marked the end of 7 years of blogging here. I'm reminded of the saying that the cells in the human body are completely replaced
every 7 years.It wasn't on my mind at all but I've decided to take a sabbatical from blogging for awhile. I'm not going anywhere. I will continue to keep up with what is going on in the tatting community and will continue to read everyone's blog. I'm just not going to blog myself for awhile. I have a couple of projects I want to focus on that I wouldn't blog about anyway so deliberately stating I won't be blogging helps alleviate some of that guilt I might feel about not posting.
I'm still available by
email of course. I also have a few video tutorials in mind that I hope to add here. The blog itself may undergo changes as I update certain features. I can't tell you at this point if it will be several weeks or several months, but I'll be back. I just want to put my attention elsewhere for awhile. I'll also be deactivating my facebook account, for those who might notice my disappearance.
In the meantime, I wish you all a wonderful Spring! It's almost here. Can you hear the birds singing?