Sunday, June 17, 2007

Finally, after almost a whole week, I got to tat some! I really didn't have very much to do to finish this up. I wish the shimmer showed in the scan but it doesn't. Since I used a metallic thread, it keeps its shape well and I didn't block it. If I block it, the "trellis" part would be straighter, making diamond shapes, but I just left it as is. Originally, I wanted to use it as an insertion (no particular project in mind) but turned it into a bookmark instead. With the sparkly thread, I think it would look good on a piece of crazy quilt so I may make another piece for that purpose later on.
Here's a future project that I've had in mind for over a year. This denim shirt originally had flowers painted or heat transferred onto it and you can see they've been peeling off and fading over time. I want to tat the same approximate bouquet. The front also has a similar pattern just in smaller segments on each side. I think there are enough floral patterns floating around to do the deed.


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