Sunday, December 19, 2010

Save The Date!

I had a lot of fun participating in the One World One Heart event last year. It's meant to be a way for bloggers to connect globally. This will be the final year so I absolutely want to be in it again.

I can't announce prizes until January 30th, 2011 so make sure you put it on your calendar and come back to see what you can win. Eazy-Peazy!

In the meantime, if you think you might want to be involved or you just want to know what it's all about, the link is in my sidebar.

I'm excited planning what I will give away!


  1. I'll be sure to check it out! Thanks Gina!

  2. Thank you for the link, Gina! Now...if I could just get focused maybe I'll be able to participate! *blushes*

    -Stephanie Grace


Emails and comments both are welcome and always read.