LaLa-LaLa LaLa-Lala....
I can't say who but someone's Secret Santa is doing some embroidery________and ooooh, that was such a pretty_______on ______. Many thanks to _______ for showing it to me!
Here is the Treasure Pouch I started in Lace Guild this morning. Bette's sample was exquisite. Mine leaves much to be desired but I'll work on it. It's from an old Piecework and is done with a needle. I wish I could find a suitable thread besides waxed linen. I don't like the feel of it on my hands, but it's better than something dry and coarse.
The motifs are drying on the blocking board. It was only after I scanned that I noticed the centers really did not look as good as I thought they did - as far as blocking. They will shift around quite a bit as I tat around the edges and add a lining though.
While I was gone from home, I'd forgotten how much I needed to do! I have less than 2 weeks to get ready for Thanksgiving. I cajoled one son into coming out and helping me clean next weekend. In the meantime, I would really like to get the bathroom painted. I still don't have my bedroom put back together!
Process: Color Options
12 hours ago
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