The thread is Lizbeth Christmas size 20. I already know I don't like this colorway but I tried one more time. It's time to find a new home for it but that will have to wait until after the holidays.
We had a lovely Thanksgiving at my youngest son's house which is about 45 minutes from mine. I went the day before and got to see my 18 month old granddaughter in action. She is quite the mover and shaker already! Mom does a good job keeping up with her too.
It was good to see the rest of the family. But I have to admit I'm still tired. I decided to tackle the hallway yesterday which is a small part of what I yet want to clean out. I have the hallway closet still and then my craft/computer room. I haven't felt up to doing it and now that I do, I need to be getting ready for the holidays instead - but how do you do that when the most important room to the holidays (craft room) is a mess???? LOL! It'll all work out.
Speaking of Minitats, I noticed the binding is coming apart on that book so I need to gather up all the books I want spiral bound and get them to the copy shop. That will be my Christmas gift to myself. Or one of them.
We've had a very mild November, especially compared to the subzero temps of last year, but I'm not complaining. I love mild temperatures and it could stay like this all winter as far as I'm concerned.
Do you know as soon as I saw that thread on the ball I took a dislike to it!! That's most unusual as I can normally 'see round' things I don't like and find some good in them but I can't with this one and your little motifs prove to me what's 'wrong' with it. It's the sudden break from one colour to the next with no 'in between' lead in. I can't think, though, that it could be done in any other way. I love Patti's book. It's a really handy one.
ReplyDeleteHeheheh! I could not believe the photo on your blog! That you would tat with this palette! Then I read what you had to say about that colourway! Say no more... : ))
I really thought I would like that thread because I so like Christmas colors but I really don't. I wonder if it would be any better if it was just the red and green? I am not thrilled with the red/white and green/white threads either. There is a really nice lizbeth red for Christmas but I am not sure about any of the greens. I'm still going to tat a lot of things in Christmas colors in the next few weeks . . .
ReplyDeleteEvery single thing that I've seen from Mini Tats is something I think I would enjoy tatting. I guess I might have to ask Santa for that book.
Isn't there a pattern that would bring out the beauty of this colourway? I have it too.
ReplyDeleteHDTs is suppose to have those colors in between. That's what makes it 'handmade'. Anyway, I think making a string of lace/chains would be ok using this colorway but whatever it is it surely is not a favourite of mine too.
ReplyDeleteThat color really makes the motif into Christmas! That's a nifty transformation.
ReplyDeleteI don't consider Lizbeth HDT although they do advertise that they are. It's commercially produced so the hand-dyed application has to be limited to be financially viable. Any thread with white between the colors is designated as "variegated" while HDT does not have white, as I understand it. I could be wrong.
ReplyDeleteWhat I have found with this colorway (and several others of Lizbeth as well) is that it really works best with larger motifs. I agree that it doesn't look that great on these little ones because you don't get to see the color repeats. Before you give up on it completely, try on something bigger, and maybe even pair it with a white, so that the red and green look more like accents.