There are actually 4 edgings but I haven't tatted the last one yet so it will be a bonus pattern when the original is revealed on the 15th. I've copied the directions exactly as published although on the 3rd one, I added "continue for length desired". Please note it does not say to reverse work anywhere. You'll have to figure it out on your own. Otherwise, these are some of the easier ones to figure out. If you want to post your efforts on your own blog, go ahead. It's only another week before I show the originals and I'm really busy in my personal life right now and won't have time to pull them together in a slide show this time. I will also be skipping October since I will be gone a lot of the month.
September Mystery Tatting
3 edgings
Ring of 4 double knots, ( picot, 4 double knots) 3 times, close;
A chain of 5 double knots;
A 2nd ring, joining by 1st picot of preceding ring;
*A chain of 6 double knots, picot, 5 double knots;
A ring of 9 double knots, picot, 3 double knots, picot, 6 double knots, close (this ring forms the 1st petal of the flower);
A 2nd ring of 6 double knots, join to the last picot of preceding ring, (3 double knots, picot) twice; 6 double knots, close;
Make 3 more rings like 2nd, joining in the same way;
Then for the 6th ring, or petal, make 6 double knots, join to the preceding ring as before, 3 double knots, picot, 9 double knots, close;
Chain of 5 double knots, join to picot of long chain, 6 double knots;
A ring like 1st ring made, joining to the 2nd ring made, or preceding ring by side picot, as before;
(chain of 5 double knots; a ring, like 1st, joining to preceding ring by side picot) 4 times;
Repeat from * to length desired.
*A ring of 10 double knots, picot, 10 double knots, close;
A chain of (1 double knot, picot) 7 times, 1 double knot, join to picot of ring, (1 double knot, picot) 7 times, 1 double knot, join at base of ring, thus forming a double ring;
*a chain of 10 double knots;
A double ring (repeating from * to *);
Chain of 10 double knots;
A double ring, joining to preceding by 4th picot of outer ring, or chain;
Continue the length, alternating chains and double rings, and joining each double ring , or outer chain, to preceding by side picot.
A ring of 9 double knots, picot, 3 double knots, picot, 6 double knots, close;
A 2nd ring of 6 double knots, join to last picot of preceding ring, (3 double knots, picot) twice, 6 double knots, close;
A 3rd ring of 6 double knots, join to last picot of preceding ring, 3 double knots, picot, 9 double knots, close (the 3 rings forming a cloverleaf);
A chain of (4 double knots, picot) 4 times, 4 double knots;
A ring like 1st ring of cloverleaf, joining by 1st picot to last picot of 3rd ring of cloverleaf;
A 2nd ring like 2nd ring of cloverleaf, joining as directed;
2 more rings, like 2nd, joining in the same way, then a 5th ring like 3rd ring of cloverleaf, joining as before to preceding ring;
A long chain like that first made;
Repeat, joining next cloverleaf by 1st picot of 1st ring to last picot of 5th ring of flower.
Continue for length desired.