Last night I discovered that has a search box on their home page where you can search for blogs by keywords. I've used google for that in the past. When I first started blogging - before I created my blogs actually - I searched for tatting blogs. There were one or two, which either weren't active or the focus was on knitting or another needlecraft. That's why I started blogging! I wasn't the very first, but darned near.
I've been pleased to see more and more developing. I enjoy the "fixed" websites too, and those are my reference points, but the changing day to day tats of others is also a special delight to me. It was a pleasant surprise to see blogger come up with 5,485 hits. Those aren't all tatting blogs - they are entries about tatting ON blogs, but that's still a decent number. I plodded through about 100 + before I gave up. A large number were knitting or crazy quilt focused blogs with tatting as a side interest from time to time. A couple were purely for advertisment. And before I quit, I noticed some were repeating, just using different dates. Mine was listed twice - both older entries, and I saw several of my group members in there too.
There were some entries that mentioned tatting in LiveJournal that appeared to be fiction writing but I didn't pursue those since only members can read them. I'm a member but my audience might not be. One entry that I did pursue however, is the poem below which is a blog that everyone can access. I emailed Carol and asked if I could post it here and she generously gave permission.
I could live in a hermitage
drawing windows tight with lace,
patterning the sun nervously on the wall,
tatting while fantasies shuttle quietly
between prayers.
I won't live in a hermitage
in neatly stitched lines and circles, alone,
Joining the other minds beside opened windows,
we dance stormy patterns.
Carol at
Now....I should do some legitimate work related work.
Process: Color Options
12 hours ago
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