I spent the day with friends in Brookston and took along some polymer clay for Paula and I to play with. I'd printed out a tutorial for a gargoyle and we had at it...even though neither of us has ever worked with this clay or had any tools...or even a sculpting background. LOL! We had such fun!
The very first face I made was just about perfect and then I squished something and started all over....about a dozen times. I still don't like this face but I got tired of doing it over. Then I really messed up with the hands and feet and it looked more like an animal crouching....so I added a tail. I didn't have my camera with me so I couldn't get Paula's photographed. I thought we did pretty good for pure amateurs!
I made a few beads too, with texture, just to see how they would turn out. My camera does not photograph this well at all. Ah...I switched to "superfine" and it photographed beautifully except I've put polish on the bugger and he really looks gross now.
These are hankies Paula gave me. One has a bobbin lace edging which I come across even more rarely than tatted edgings. One has cutwork and embroidery and two have embroidery in the corners. Thanks Paula!
I got further on the mitten - almost ready to shape the top. I really need to use up some craft supplies. It's ridiculously cluttered around here!
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