For the medallion:
R 2-2-2-2,clr, mock picot
SR 10/10, clr, rw
*Ch 2-2-2-2-2-2, + p of prev r, 2-2-2-2-2-2, + to base of same r, ch 3, + next p of center r, and repeat from * 3 times, joining last ch 3 to base of 1st ring.
At this point, you can cut and tie & hide ends OR I just made a few chain stitches and then tatted a SR
SR 2 + to next to last p of ch from prev round, 2-2-2/2 + next to last p of ch from prev round on corresponding side, 2-2-2, clr
Ch 5-5, rw
**R 2-2-2-2, + to tiny space or picot formed when ch was joined at top of r on prev round, 2-2-2-2, clr, rw
Ch 5-5-5-5, rw
R Same as last r and joining in same place as last r (2 rings joined in same space), clr, rw
Ch 5-5, rw
R 2-2-2 + to next to last p of ch on prev round, 2-2, + to next to last p on next ch, 2-2-2, clr, rw
Ch 5-5, rw
Repeat from ** around, joining last 5-5 to base of 1st SR, cut & tie & hide ends.
Contact me if you have questions.

Mystery Motif February (original from Needlecraft August 1925)
Choose a thread which is suited to the application you wish to make of the finished work. No. 100 crochet cotton was used for the -----.
For the medallion:
1. Make a ring of 1 double knot, picot, (2 double knots, picot) 3 times, 1 double knot, close and tie.
2. Draw thread through 1st picot of ring, *make a ring of 10 double knots, picot, 10 double knots, close;
a chain of (2 double knots, picot) 5 times, 2 double knots, join to picot of ring, a small picot, (2 double knots, picot) 5 times,2double knots, join to base of same ring; a chain of 3 double knots, join to next picot of center ring, and repeat from * 3 times, joining the last 3 chain at base of 1st ring. This forms the center of motif.
3. A ring of (2 double knots, picot) 3 times, 2 double knots, join to the tiny space of thread, or picot, between 2 chains joined at top of ring of last row, (2 double knots, picot) 3 times, 2 double knots, close;
a chain of (5 double knots, picot) 3 times, 5 double knots (this is the corner chain);
a ring, as before, joining in the same place;
a chain of 5 double knots, picot, 5 double knots;
a ring of (2 double knots , picot) twice, 2 double knots, join to 2d picot of chain counting from where the 2 rings are joined to form the corner, 2 double knots, picot, 2 double knots, join to 4th picot of next chain, (2 double knots, picot) twice, 2 double knots; close,
a chain of 5 double knots, picot, 5 double knots; repeat from beginning of row, joining last chain at base of 1st ring; fasten off neatly and securely.