Thursday, October 07, 2004

Looking for my Groove

I've been having trouble getting back into a groove since the return from my trip. I'm blaming it on having slept in 4 different time zones in one week. LOL!

Part of it is having my son at home and knowing he may move out in only a few weeks - so I avoid starting anything major....or even minor. He's been doing a lot for me. Took the window a/c out. Recarpeted the basement steps with the old carpet that I took out of my bedroom last winter. I'd only had it for a few years, the kind you buy outright, no pad, a remnant actually, so it was in good shape. Then he put a little door on the basement crawl space access. He's bored while waiting for jobs to line up. And he has stuff filling up the spare room and some stuff in the basement and also in the new living room closets. So it's hard for me to find places to put stuff away....and I hate getting other stuff out to sort through when it's such a clutter anyway.

I decided this morning what kind of necklace to make my exchange partner. I have no idea if she reads this, but just in case, I won't tell. But it's an old pattern, one I transcribed a very long time ago, before the blog, and that I've wanted to test. I've made part of it before. Now I think I'll gussy it up and make some changes.

Last night I tatted, working on the Fantasy flowers. I got 4 strands of the trailers done. This is going to take awhile I think. I will need at least half a dozen flowers and I think probably double that to look good.

I was reminded yesterday that I agreed to give a program on my travel related to tatting this summer at our next lace meeting, which is Saturday, so I will need to track down all the projects I started and possibly finished. LOL! I wonder if I gave anything away? So there's my next 2 evenings.

I won 3 auctions, all for different kinds of magazines, nothing cool-tatting related.

Just remembered, I have a teneriffe wheel in progress. Aaacckk!


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