So now I can get back to tatting the beaded bag from Sharon's book and catch up with the Design-Tat class. I'm demonstrating tatting at the Feast of the Hunter's Moon on Saturday and have tons of inside/outside work to catch up on at home on Sunday so I won't get to do much. I can't tat the bag at the Feast because it's definitely NOT period correct for the mid 1700's.
I cleaned up some stuff in the flower bed this evening and harvested the remainder of my basil, which I still have to cut and freeze. I also put a few outdoor things away and loaded up some garbage. That's more than I can get done most nights. I need to mow one more time, hopefully Sunday if it's not raining.
I've been having trouble wearing my contacts in my right eye so have resorted to my glasses the majority of the time. This is the 3rd day this week I've had a note to myself to make an appointment with the eye doctor and the dentist and didn't get it done. No excuse for that. My afternoon appointment cancelled and while I did have things to do, I could have made a few phone calls! will be a busy month. In fact, the rest of the year will speed right on by if it hasn't already!
Very pretty braclet.