The giraffe is done. I'll add the bead eye later when I sew it to something. I see one 2 ds mistake in the neck. sigh............always something.
I fixed up a small hank of thread to dye this evening but haven't made it that far yet. I've been in town twice today and I'm tired. This morning I went to a scrapbooking party and made 3 cards. One I really like and will give to a special friend.
I really want to play more with the new threads but I need to tat a few more animals. Just now trying to find my alligator pattern and so far, no luck. I'm too tired to do a major search. I thought I would do the smaller elephant from Tatted Elephants, but I don't have any gray thread. I could use embroidery floss, but I don't feel like separating it. LOL! OH WAIT!!! I just found a ball of gray cebelia. Now, that's getting scary. Why on earth did I ever buy
I'm going to finish the hat before I start the elephant.
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