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2. Download the free Adobe® Reader® Software -- not only is it free, it's safe and universally accepted as the standard in web-based document viewing. You'll need this to view your free patterns. Skip this step if you already have the software on your computer.
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It's that easy. View all the free patterns you want! Enjoy!"
Some of them are free. Others redirect you to a blitz that links you to e-PatternsCentral.com. where you can download the pattern for a fee. I did eventually buy some patterns months ago through this link when I had no other choice. I still haven't made them so it was a waste, but those particular patterns weren't too expensive. The point is - they are advertised as free. I've bought plenty of books and patterns - I'm overflowing with patterns - so it's not like I'm just being cheap.
I made up my mind then not to bother with them again, but I forgot that's where I got them so I was surfing and went there through a different source. Joined again. Recognized the oldies they had on there and then I saw a new one that looked interesting, though probably not something I'll make anyway. Clicking on it to open it up led me to the paying place. LOL! The thing is, the designer of that pattern has designed numerous patterns that you find in magazines all the time - why doesn't she just put them in a book? I would buy the book, but I'm not doing this piecemeal thing at $3 and $4 a pattern.
I didn't have a chance last night to work on my miser bag/finger purse. I stayed after work to catch up on some stuff and then walked the treadmill when I got home. Plus I was tuned into the online tatting class which I only stayed for part of....
I left the computer on but my connection got interrupted somewhere along the line. I hope the log is somewhere.
This weekend is Feast of the Hunter's Moon. I'm scheduled for a 3 hour slot to demo. I really don't like to demo in period clothing. You are so limited in what you can do - it's not fun for me to do that, but the people are fun. I used to like all the historical events, and I still do, but not as much as I used to.
I decided to just tat tonight and finished up the finger-purse. The chains are a bit sloppy since I didn't measure the lengths of them - just kinda eyeballed it with the previous one. And my ring was a golden plastic ring that had a split, so I had to tape the split because my thread kept working around and sliding off. That made it thicker in that area. But basically it worked out and I'm already starting a different one, using elements from various designs to create what I want.
While I was tatting, I fixed myself a cup of hot tea from gourmet tea I purchased in Missoula called "Evening in Missoula" by the Montana Tea & Spice Trading Co. Wow, it has 20 different herbs and spices! It was delicious! I drank it from this hand-potted cup I bought in another store there. I was looking for Tea-for-ones, which I bought in yet another store. LOL! This cup though was the potter's version of a tea-for-one. It has the little saucer that actually goes over the top while the tea is brewing. I also got that tea diffuser in Missoula, along with 2 others, plus another weird thing that I haven't figured out yet, but you put it in your brewing tea and blow in it or something. I bought several packages of tea there. If they're all that good, I'll have to find a way to order them! I really liked the wheat design on the side of the cup. Unfortunately, the whole mug gets hot in the microwave so I'll probably have to heat water first and then pour into the cup. I'll show my other tea-for-ones on another day but one is RED and one is PURPLE.
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