I wonder if there is a tatting shuttle shaped one?
Tonight I met with coworkers & their mates after work for drinks and dinner since one of them is going to TX in anticipation of a new grandbaby. She asked me last week if I would go with her to shop for a christening gown when she gets back. The one used for the last grandbaby is so old and fragile, it fairly disintegrated. She wanted my help with embellishing it - meaning tatting lace. LOL! Then this evening I saw in Sew Beautiful that there is a christening gown with a lace celtic cross on the gown part so I'm going to see if she would like a hand-stitched gown instead. I've wanted to make one for ages. Her son-in-law is of Irish descent and they named their first son an Irish name to continue the heritage so this gown is so appropriate for them. It's designed so that either boy or girl can wear it and in fact, the maker's grandchild that she designed it for was male. My friend's coming grandbaby is also a boy. I was not thinking of tatting an insertion for the celtic lace cross until this very minute. I was thinking of tatting an edging, but by golly - it's possible to tat an insertion too......big breath......that would be an awful lot of work though. Better just stick with the edging and use lace for the cross.

Remember my tatted bracelet, black with gold beads? Looked like honey bees? Well.....I have tons of those beads still, so I'm going to use those and black thread and gold blending filament to make some Fantasy Flowers that I will put in these gold glasses that I bought at Walmart. Perfect Purdue decor! And that's where it's going - in my office. I do believe I have some amber colored bugle beads too! This just keeps getting more and more funna.
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