It's been a busy week. I got another heart tatted to go with the other one and I intend to make some of the smaller ones to go with them. My inlaid clay shuttle arrived today along with the brooch fitting.
I put several of my shuttles in the on-wall case which has been up for months with only 1 shuttle. My plan is to put a glass front on it but I haven't yet so I decided to go ahead and put some shuttles in just to see how it looks. This is probably about half of my non-clover shuttles. I was just wondering, too, where my Palmetto shuttles are? I hate not knowing where everything is!
Tomorrow I'm demonstrating for a few hours at a local event, Global Fest. I'll enjoy it because I don't have to wear period clothing. Sometimes I like to do that but most of the time it is a bother. I also like this because I can show fun things and not just plain old rings and chains. I'm not as well prepared as I would like. Too many other things are planned for this weekend too.
Oh my ...... just gathered up some stuff to take for display. When you aren't limited to white and ecru and 18th or 19th century.....there's just oodles and oodles of stuff to show. And I have lots tucked away in other places!
I looked online for flights from Portland today but the airline I'm using to Missoula apparently doesn't fly from Portland to Indianapolis so I may need to check another airline. Car rental is expensive too.
My great-niece is celebrating her 3rd birthday tomorrow and my youngest son will be 23 on Monday. Somewhere between birthdays and demonstrations, I hope to paint my office. I'm going to try to go in town early tomorrow and start taking things off the walls and desktops. I hoped to do some today but by the time I had some free time, I was too pooped.
For my tatting friends in Florida who have been watching and preparing for Hurricane Francis - I'm hoping your weekend passes uneventfully and that you quickly resume life as normal.
For those in my list group - I wish Ginny a speedy and uncomplicated recovery after surgery next week and for Joy who has to wait yet another month for her surgery, I hope the time speeds by and that her recovery is also short and easy.
For anyone else who has struggled through this week, and I know you're out there, I hope your tatting provides comfort and peace.
I'm soon off to bed. Plan to sleep in a little tomorrow.
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