Oh mercy, it's June already!

Last night I finished my latest Romanian Point Lace piece. This is one I designed myself. Basically, I was trying a "doodle" because that's what we've done in lace guild and what we're encouraging members to try to develop their own piece from so of course, I had to have an example. I got sidetracked along the way and put away the threads I was using for filling and don't remember exactly where I put them away, so I pulled out a few new colors to finish up with. I didn't like the way they were working out anyway. LOL! I have another idea in mind using the same pattern though. My divider bars were an experiment that didn't work out. Well...they're okay, but not as okay as I visualized. But then, nothing is perfect first time around, is it?
And speaking of Romanian Point Lace, also known as Macrame Crochet Lace, the latest issue of Anna features this as the course of the month. There is a new filling stitch I've not seen before and I used it or a version of it on the piece above. I started out well but something went wrong along the way. It was too late and I was too tired to go back and correct it, but I'll work on it somewhere else.

I don't often go looking for craft magazines on ebay these days but I saw an Old Time Crochet recently that I didn't think I had. I won and it came quickly though I didn't really have time to look at it until last night. I don't always remember what I already have but I was rewarded - this isn't something I had and look at the unique tatted basket! I really can't quite figure it out but I haven't read the instructions yet. It says netted but some of it looks like mignonette. Okay, the 1st round after the center medallion is tatted but after that, it's a buttonhole stitch so it is netting. The border around the top edge is actually needle woven and then the handle is done with a knotting technique that is not tatting. Definitely a challenge. There is much I would change, to tell the truth. I would have a larger and sturdier center for one thing. I would have less netting, and more rings or something for the sides to make it more substantial. I like the handle though.
Well, I'm making a dedicated effort to spend less time on the computer and more time with household ......things. I bought some different fabric tonight for the kitchen curtains. I'm still not sure about them.