Comment from Moronez for April 21, 2005 entry:
I just discovered this blog and now you have my curiosity. I would love to try my hand at customizing a shuttle myself and have lots of questions.
What type of shuttle are you using for a base and where do you get it at? What type paints are you using and what do you seal it with? Are they still usable once they are customized?
Love your work.
Thank you! There was no address to reply to so I'm answering here. I've used different combinations of paints. This particular shuttle is a generic one that I bought from http://www.lacemakerusa.com/ but I've also painted on aero-type shuttles and have been gifted with dressed-up Clover shuttles. For these, I like to sand them a bit with a very fine grit, just to rough them up so the paint will stick better, and then base-coat them with acrylic. I may have only used nail polish on these but polish tends to chip so I like to use that as the last coat now. This one is a combination of acrylic paint and a decal. Then I seal it with a few coats of clear nail polish which also adds gloss to it. Yes, they are usable. I slide a thin piece of cardboard between the tips to keep them from being painted shut. This one was acrylic paints with a couple of dragonfly buttons with the posts cut off and this one was simply painted with acrylics. That faded red spot is a mistake which hopefully showed up a lot more on the scan than the actual shuttle. I also use several coats of nail polish with glitter sometimes or for the metallic look. I love painting them and hope to do some more soon!
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