Here's the mystery motif with a bonus - a matching edging! Anyway, the source said it was a matching edging. I think it is a complementary edging but certainly not the same as the motif.
When you have completed the motif, please
email me privately with a scan and I'll let you know if you've got it. I will be posting the original pattern photos as well as my test tatting on the 15th. Until then, it should remain a
I've added a little teaser photo this time...I hope it doesn't make it too easy! The idea, for those who haven't seen this before, is to challenge your ability to translate vintage written instructions without a photo for reference.
June Mystery Motif
1. A ring of 4 double knots, (picot, 5 double knots) 3 times, picot, 1 double knot, close.
2. (Original) Chain of 3 double knots, picot, 3 double knots, join to 1st picot of ring, 1 single knot, picot, repeat twice, joining the each succeeding picot of ring, 3 double knots, picot, 3 double knots, join to last picot of ring.
(Revised) Chain of [3 double knots, picot, 3 double knots, join to 1st picot of ring, , picot,] repeat twice, joining in each succeeding picot of ring, 3 double knots, picot, 3 double knots, join to last picot of ring. (there should be a total of 7 picots)
3. Chain of 4 double knots; ring of 1 double knot, (picot, 5 double knots) 4 times, close; a chain of 9 double knots, picot, 4 double knots, join to next picot of outside ring of 1st row, 4 double knots; a ring like 1st, of 1 double knot, join to picot of preceding long chain, and complete the ring as before; repeat around, making 8 rings in all, joining last long chain to 1st picot fo 1st ring and last chain of 4 double knots where 1st chain started.
4. Fasten in middle picot of 1st ring of last row, chain of 9 double knots, picot, 9 double knots, join to middle picot of next ring; repeat around, joining last chain where 1st started.
Edging to match
1. A ring of (7 double knots, picot) 3 times, 7 double knots, close; chain of 8 double knots, join to side picot of ring, ring of 7 double knots, picot, (1 double knot, picot) twice, 7 double knots, close; chain of 8 double knots, join to middle picot of 1st ring; repeat the row to desired length.
2. Fasten thread in picot at top of 1st ring, make a chain of 7 double knots, picot, 7 double knots, join to picot of next ring; repeat. If liked, these chains may be shorter, say of 5 double knots, picot, 5 double knots.
Use 2 shuttles, wound CTM, to avoid doing the shoelace trick. You will need approximately 2 ½ yards on each shuttle. There is no reverse work in the motif.
It does not tell you to end off after step 3 in the motif but it is obvious in step 4 that you will need to.