May you all carry over the good of 2011 into 2012 and make it even better!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
May you all carry over the good of 2011 into 2012 and make it even better!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I've read 8 of the 12 Laura Childs' teashop mysteries and the constant talk about different tea flavors got me motivated. I also got some iced tea from McAllister's today which is sooooooo good.
No tatting yet today but I have a big UFO I've been wanting to get back to. I just have to do a test piece to make sure I remember how I started it. It's based on a crocheted bag done on curtain rings. I had one row done and got sidetracked (very common for me if you haven't noticed) but I really want to finish this project in time for the county fair in the summer. I also want to finish the master phase of the T.A.T. program. Really...why do we procrastinate?
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The pattern is from Pam Palmer's Tatting Treats Two. I see Deb Arnold is selling it for $15.00 and I'm sure many of the tatting vendors also still carry it. Don't be swayed by the Amazon used copies for $38.88. I'm finding any book out of print that deals with lace is being sold for atrocious prices so make sure you shop around. I'm pretty sure Zig-Zag Corner's Tatting Corner also carries it for the normal price.
One thing I didn't catch when I tatted this horse the first time is that Pam has you add a 2nd ball thread for the rockers. I'm sure I didn't the first time and so I didn't this time. It would make it more stable, nice if you are using it for an ornament, but I'll probably stitch it to something instead. I also tatted the reins this time which I'm sure I didn't do the last time. I used the handle of a steel crochet hook as a picot gauge to make the mane picots equal size.
This book also has a Christmas Cracker, a Christmas Tree, a Candy Cane, and a Christmas Teapot. There is also a teddy bear, a frog on a lily pad, and a crinoline girl. I've continued to use the book all these years so I think it's well worth the original price.
Deb Arnold,
Pam Palmer,
rocking horse
Sunday, December 18, 2011
We had our family Christmas today at a local clubhouse. It was great seeing all my family together. We had a White Elephant exchange that was laughingly well-received. One son asked if we were going to do it again next year - he is determined to bring his gift back - a huge stuffed Santa.
I haven't been tatting much or else the tatting was something I can't show yet. I tatted this bookmark recently but just added this tail this evening. Originally, I tatted a purl tatted tail and experimented with adding split rings along the way. It didn't turn out very well so I clipped the experiment off and added the new one this evening. The pattern is from Martha Ess's book.
I have to admit I've gotten hooked on the teashop mysteries by Laura Childs. Ambitatterous introduced them one Tatting Tea Tuesday and I've been checking them out of the library on a regular basis. I've read 4 so far. Light and fluffy, but that's about as deep of reading as I can do right now and I'm racing right through them. I can't wait to drop off the 2 I got last week and get 2 more tomorrow!
I may not have been tatting but I've been working on my RPL bells. Here are the latest five I just finished this weekend. I'm done with them for the season. These may go in some cards.
I've seen two movies lately too; Puss n Boots and Sherlock Holmes. I enjoyed both thoroughly!

I have to admit I've gotten hooked on the teashop mysteries by Laura Childs. Ambitatterous introduced them one Tatting Tea Tuesday and I've been checking them out of the library on a regular basis. I've read 4 so far. Light and fluffy, but that's about as deep of reading as I can do right now and I'm racing right through them. I can't wait to drop off the 2 I got last week and get 2 more tomorrow!

I've seen two movies lately too; Puss n Boots and Sherlock Holmes. I enjoyed both thoroughly!
rpl bells,
teapot bookmarks
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Blogger says my post published but it's not even in my published posts. It may show up tomorrow and I'll have to delete one!
Jane Eborall kindly sent me a sample of the Pink Cocoa in Lizbeth and it just happened to match some of my clothing perfectly so I tatted it up in my Beginner's Beaded Blossom Brooch. Do you know how hard it is to find brown beads? I ended up using a glass 11/0 in brown iris.
I bought a new container for a thread collection that has been growing over the years. Lately I've been using it for bobbin lace and embroidery. I've only used it as a blending thread with tatting in the past. It's so sleek and shiny!
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
My tree last year broke and I've been deliberating on what to do this year. I ended up finding this white one at Walmart fairly cheap. A woman whispered in my ear before I checked out that it would turn yellow over time but it's so cheap I'm really not concerned. I'll get my money's worth out of it. Besides, I think it looks PURTY! I haven't put ornaments on yet or the tree skirt. I have to wait for my son to bring some of the stuff up from the basement but I think this tree will do just fine for this year. The spirit is here and that's all that matters!
Monday, November 28, 2011

I've always wanted to tat this bow but it looks a bit complicated and if I'm going to go to all that trouble, I better have a good use for it. Normally, I don't feel like I need to justify my tatting, but this one seems to call for it.
So....ideas anyone? Rebecca suggests attaching it to a hair comb but I don't have the kind of hair that will hold a comb or barrette. It's fairly large, 5" x 4" in size 30 thread. I really really need some inspiration!
tatted bow
Sunday, November 27, 2011

The thread is Lizbeth Christmas size 20. I already know I don't like this colorway but I tried one more time. It's time to find a new home for it but that will have to wait until after the holidays.
We had a lovely Thanksgiving at my youngest son's house which is about 45 minutes from mine. I went the day before and got to see my 18 month old granddaughter in action. She is quite the mover and shaker already! Mom does a good job keeping up with her too.
It was good to see the rest of the family. But I have to admit I'm still tired. I decided to tackle the hallway yesterday which is a small part of what I yet want to clean out. I have the hallway closet still and then my craft/computer room. I haven't felt up to doing it and now that I do, I need to be getting ready for the holidays instead - but how do you do that when the most important room to the holidays (craft room) is a mess???? LOL! It'll all work out.
Speaking of Minitats, I noticed the binding is coming apart on that book so I need to gather up all the books I want spiral bound and get them to the copy shop. That will be my Christmas gift to myself. Or one of them.
We've had a very mild November, especially compared to the subzero temps of last year, but I'm not complaining. I love mild temperatures and it could stay like this all winter as far as I'm concerned.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Angels and Needlebooks

Most of Monica's angels tend to have pointy wings and I like rounded or gently sloped wings. She likes to use clunies for the hands too but not being a very cluny-oriented person lately, I decided to use Bina Madden's Puff stitch instead for the praying hands. The wings could be done with or without the addition of needlelace. I thought, hmmmm....why not just make long picots? Well, the one side turned out but not so good the other side. The better side is the 2nd side so practice must be the key to good tatting, AGAIN!
I used Manuela/Hakelgarn thread that I bought a long time ago, size 20. It looks red and white striped on the ball but ends up looking more pink than anything. I was planning on a Peppermint Praying Angel, but she looks a bit more sherbert-y, I think.
There are boy angels in this publication too so if you have been looking for a boy angel, look for it. In I.O.L.I., it is #T-098. You do have to be a member to borrow from the library though and you have to pay shipping.
I don't actually promote other people's products but I do show what I like and what I'm pleased with. I have several blogs in a "Inspiring Blogs" list on the left sidebar and I do get lots of inspiration and ideas and enjoyment from them. Recently I was moved to buy this needlebook from the Etsy Shop of The Feathered Nest. I couldn't believe how fast it arrived and it's so sweet!

Sunday, November 20, 2011
#25 in 25 Motif Challenge
Yes, I'm done, The End.
These are Figures 20 and 21 of Plate III to complete the final motif!
These are Figures 20 and 21 of Plate III to complete the final motif!

You can get the pdf file for Plate III Figure 20 here: Plate III Figure 20
And for Plate III Figure 21 here: Plate III Figure 21
Friday, November 18, 2011
#24 in 25 Motif Challenge
Here's Figures 18 and 19 of Plate III for the #24 Motif in the 25 Motif Challenge.

Pattern link is here: Plate III Figure 18 Medallion Pattern.

Pattern link is here: Plate III Figure 19 Medallion Pattern.

Pattern link is here: Plate III Figure 18 Medallion Pattern.

Pattern link is here: Plate III Figure 19 Medallion Pattern.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Mary's Butterfly Stats

I also completed it in 50 minutes, under the hour! I left the long tail because I am going to stitch it to a muslin bag eventually.

Hmmmmmm....I see Blogger has changed the posting box format. All the key elements are still there though. to something else!
mary's butterfly
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Marilee's Tree in White

The thread is size 20 DMC and the beads are silver seed beads size 11/0. Tatted in less than an hour!
Marilee Rockley,
silver beads
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
#23 of 25 Motif Challenge
I'm posting Figures 16 and 17 of Plate III for Motif #23 of the Challenge. This way I can fit all the medallions of Plate III in.

It really does help to read the pdf file which is linked later in this post and also in the sidebar. I started with a paperclip on a chain for the center. Yeah, cut and tie but the next part is also started with a paperclip on a chain with 2 shuttles.
The red star shows where I began on this segment. It continues on around but I wanted to highlight just the one segment.

Here's the link to the pattern: Plate III Figure 16 Medallion Pattern

And the pattern is linked here: Plate III Figure 17 Medallion Pattern

The original photo.

And here it is completed!
Here's the link to the pattern: Plate III Figure 16 Medallion Pattern

Here's the original photo for Figure 17.

The diagram and again, the pdf is very helpful as it gets a bit fiddly with rings thrown off chains.

And the pattern is linked here: Plate III Figure 17 Medallion Pattern
Friday, November 11, 2011
#22 of 25 Motif Challenge
Update: Only the patterns tatted in each post will be linked. I have them done but only Figure 15 was posted today. Once I am through the challenge, each individual pattern will be here, but today's is only Figure 15. There has been some confusion about that!
This is what prompted me to do the 25 Motif Challenge again. I loved these medallions from the DMC Tatting Library. I actually tatted all 7 of these and will now show them to finish up my challenge. They won't be presented quite the same since I've already written them up but I am creating the numbered photos for the diagrams for these posts. I've also provided a link to the written text which has the more subtle tips and notes that the diagrams don't show. They are also available by link in my left sidebar under the patterns.
These are the original medallions (8 points is not a snowflake but I would use them as snowflakes anyway) as shown in Plate III.

Here are the numbered segments. I've not shown how I did the needlelace in the center. To be honest, I don't remember how the instructions created those bars to add the needlelace unless they were stitched in later. In my adaptation, I did not use them. I started at the red dot to make the first ring and then ended with a split ring to climb out to the next round of chains.
The figure to the right is a beaded version and you can see I did not add the needlelace center there. All are done in size 20 White DMC Special Cordonnet.
You can access the PDF file HERE and it includes the diagram above as well as a detailed explanation of which shuttle does what, when to switch shuttles, how to add beads to the 2nd version and any little quirks I noted. I will double up on some of the posts to include all 7 in my final four motifs for the challenge but I hope you can take advantage of these for the upcoming holidays. They really are so pretty!
This is what prompted me to do the 25 Motif Challenge again. I loved these medallions from the DMC Tatting Library. I actually tatted all 7 of these and will now show them to finish up my challenge. They won't be presented quite the same since I've already written them up but I am creating the numbered photos for the diagrams for these posts. I've also provided a link to the written text which has the more subtle tips and notes that the diagrams don't show. They are also available by link in my left sidebar under the patterns.

This is Figure 15 in the original.

You can access the PDF file HERE and it includes the diagram above as well as a detailed explanation of which shuttle does what, when to switch shuttles, how to add beads to the 2nd version and any little quirks I noted. I will double up on some of the posts to include all 7 in my final four motifs for the challenge but I hope you can take advantage of these for the upcoming holidays. They really are so pretty!
Plate III Figure 15
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Marilee's Tree

I finished the first side and then laid it down to take a break and fix something to eat, allow myself to get sidetracked on the computer and pay some attention to the kitties and TV. Can you see what happened a hour or so later when I came back to do the other side? My tension relaxed. The rings on the other side spread out further than on the first side. I was afraid that would happen. I even blocked it, but to me, the difference is noticeable. Can I make a second earring to match? Probably not. Is it just the inner critic in me making too much of it? Maybe I should just start over and keep this one as a sample in my sheet protecter to remind me to try to tat the whole thing in one go and not go off abandoning a project mid-way. Actually I think I will try her white version. Or use some sparkly thread. The more practice, the more balanced it will look. It doesn't matter how long you've been tatting, practice also makes it look better.
I have so many people I want to gift with small tatting this year and I haven't even begun. I'm still trying to find ways to gift special tatting friends from kindnesses shown two years ago! You're all so nice and I can't keep up!
I used a small ruler to show the dimensions of this earring. Even though Marilee shows a ruler on her pattern, for some reason (aka selective vision) I missed it until I was almost done. It's much smaller than I thought but perfect for an earring! Or even a pendant. Or a gift tag or a card insert. It's tatted in Aida size 20 thread. I bought this ball of thread in Australia along with several others. I've used a lot of it but not a complete ball yet. Six years....thread lasts forever! I've moved on to size 30 and 40 more often as my preference but since I have so much of the size 20 and in colors I like, I try to tat with it as much as I can. I may have to start crocheting with it as crochet uses it up faster.
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Mirror Mirror Inspirations
I really didn't notice the Mirror Mirror bookmark in Martha Ess's new book, Playing With Picots as it wasn't one I test-tatted and it's further back in the book than I've tatted so far. But then, I saw Wendy's tatting of it, which you can check out HERE and HERE!.
One of my early disappointments with Lizbeth thread was the way the colorway tatted out. Some were only 2 color but looked like more on the ball and they didn't do much for the tatted design. They've gotten better and it is obvious they are taking a cue from our talented HDT makers. I've noticed several very similar colorways lately - so don't forget our wonderful HDT dyers!
So, I'm very careful about which variegated threads I choose for tatting. I've actually gotten rid of many I don't care for - like all my Altin Basak variegated. I love the solids, but not the variegated. I'm not crazy about Omega variegates either but I love the solids - brilliant, bright colors! We're lucky to be in a the mainstream of so many new color variations these days. It's hard to keep up!
I got inspired by Wendy's bookmarks but wasn't going to post this one as I'm tatting it in ecru and white to paint dye on later. It looks rather bland in ecru and white. But then...before I tatted it, I discovered in #21 of the 25 motif challenge that I can add picots to and join Josephine Rings to picots. I rather like that ribbed wheel look when it's done properly and I was inspired to use the Josephine Rings in place of the regular rings Martha used. Both are fine but the name of her book IS Playing With Picots, right? So that encourages us to do the same! This is why I love vintage patterns. Between now and then, there is so much NEW to come up with! Tatting is most clearly NOT a dying art! It's a dyeing and technique art, a fiber art, a needlework art. The expansion of tatting over the past decade has been unbelievable. Don't you think? So I just wanted you to have a sneak preview of the "before" version. I plan to tat a few of these so I can play with color too.
This is tatted in J & P Coates 6 cord Mercerized in size 30 that I got from Carol Moser's estate. I didn't even realize it was 6 cord until I looked closely at the label. It tats up beautifully and I have no problem with slubs, knots or fraying - unless I frog a LOT.
One of my early disappointments with Lizbeth thread was the way the colorway tatted out. Some were only 2 color but looked like more on the ball and they didn't do much for the tatted design. They've gotten better and it is obvious they are taking a cue from our talented HDT makers. I've noticed several very similar colorways lately - so don't forget our wonderful HDT dyers!
So, I'm very careful about which variegated threads I choose for tatting. I've actually gotten rid of many I don't care for - like all my Altin Basak variegated. I love the solids, but not the variegated. I'm not crazy about Omega variegates either but I love the solids - brilliant, bright colors! We're lucky to be in a the mainstream of so many new color variations these days. It's hard to keep up!

This is tatted in J & P Coates 6 cord Mercerized in size 30 that I got from Carol Moser's estate. I didn't even realize it was 6 cord until I looked closely at the label. It tats up beautifully and I have no problem with slubs, knots or fraying - unless I frog a LOT.
Monday, November 07, 2011
#21 in 25 Motif Challenge

If I were to make the bookmark again, I would reduce the number of ds between the center chains so that the middle would be narrower. It seems to poof out a bit as is. I suspect this pattern has been the basis of many an adaptation for snowflakes over the decades. It's really easy. Maybe you could do a split ring at the last join of the inner rings and start the chain there, which would eliminate one set of ends to hide. Oh, this thread is Cebelia size 30.
You might notice a common element between this motif and the last one. Know what it is yet?????
It's the long picot that it joined into by another thread which creates a triangular space. I wonder if that was a new design element back then. You don't really see it much these days either so all you designers....put that in your sketchbooks!
Figure 28,
Plate V figure 25
Friday, November 04, 2011
#20 in 25 Motif Challenge

Stuff for the imagination, right?
25 motif challenge,
omega thread,
plate V figure 27
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