It's been a long evening with not a lot to show for it. I got the other side of the eye surround done. Then I had to string the beads for the headpiece,which amounted to close to 100 beads on the shuttle thread and almost as many on the ball thread. Plus I'm using some silver hearts on the front edge of the headpiece and so I had to count just right if I want them to fall in the right place. I hope I got it right. I was unsure about the direction of the hearts too, which end to string so that they end up with the point down when they are tatted in. It was almost 11:00 p.m. by the time I was ready to tat that part and I couldn't resist at least starting it, so I got a 2 rings, 2 chains, and the beginning of a clover done. I'll take it with me tomorrow and will get a little done, hopefully finishing it tomorrow night or Wednesday night.
I bought the little hair clips on Sunday and put a few on my errant balls of thread. They work perfectly. When I have time to go through my thread drawers, I'll clip them all!
I got the latest Anna magazine today. Time must be zipping by. It seems like I just got an issue. There are a lot of Easter themes in this one and it's the crochet course this month. There are some "three-dimensional flowers in the style of Irish crochet" that I found very pretty and a pineapple motif that also had a 3 D flower in it - an unusual combination.
I also got Sharon Brigg's latest Tatted Lace Pattern Collection. The celtic eyeglass case looks interesting but I think I would use it for something else. What? I don't know but it's not strong enough to protect eyeglasses unless it has a plastic or cardboard insert.
Well, I need to get to bed. I gotta quit staying up so late!
Process: Color Options
12 hours ago
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