I’ve been with my friend Janet and her family in Vallejo, CA since Friday evening when they picked me up from San Francisco Airport. We spent part of Saturday in Sacramento watching her daughter in the Christmas parade. No, Arnie did not show. Sacramento is the capitol of CA, but it sure wasn’t all that busy for being a capitol city in a huge state. In fact, it seemed like more of a small city, even smaller than Indy, much to my surprise.
I’ve done precious little tatting. I worked one night on a T.A.T. project that involves making a flower motif without the twisted picot at the joining. I normally do not have a problem with that, but I only got it right once out of 4 tries the other night. Maybe it was the distraction…being with people who know nothing about tatting…or jet lag….
Sunday, Janet & I went to see Alexander the Great - a movie I’ve been waiting on for over a month. I dunno….it lacked something. The actor who plays him is a sweetie, but not my impression of Alexander.
I ate too much stuff I don’t normally eat there, but I think it will work out. This morning I took a shuttle bus to the airport and flew to Las Vegas, and I’m currently housed in Caesar’s Palace. I started out at 8:30 this morning on the bus and finally arrived here about 5:30 p.m. My 1st flight didn’t leave until 12:45 and then we went to Los Angeles and changed flights……then a shuttle from the Las Vegas airport to here.
I think I’m settled in now. I’ll explore tomorrow as time allows, but the conference registration opens at 7:30 a.m.
Maybe I’ll tat some tomorrow.
That was yesterday's post but I didn't get it pasted in here. Once I get off here tonight, I will tat! I'm not a gambler so there isn't much for me to do here at night. I have a couple of free hours tomorrow during the day so I'll be out and checking the strip then. The laptop isn't quite as convenient to manipulate so guess that's it for tonight.
:-) Really, I just wanted to make one last entry before the month ended!
Making Color Choice Easier
22 hours ago