Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Time Flies!

I'm starting to feel a little tatting withdrawal pang!

I set Wild Woolly, The Bison, aside for awhile. I started another project just for fun, and I'm thinking of what I want to take with me on my flight and trip next week. I fly out Friday to San Francisco and will stay with a close friend until Monday when I fly to Las Vegas for a conference. I probably won't get a lot of tatting done at her house, but I did offer to teach her daughter, so I'm assured of a little bit of tatting time that way!

Tonight I meet with a fellow lacer to help her with her tatting and she'll help me with my French. That reminds me, I need to go find an easy practice pattern for her. She probably has her own, but sometimes it helps to have someone else structure it for awhile.

EEEEEkkkkk! Just remembered, my lace group has their Xmas gathering shortly after I return and I need something for the exchange. Isn't it enough to figure out what I have to cook over the next few days? LOL! I have a list of 8 things to do here beside me and I know it's only a partial list.

I joined Curves over the weekend and had the 1st workout last night. I guess there are facilties in Las Vegas too, which makes up for the delightful meal I will indulge in on Thursday! Plus I'm eating our office carry-in leftovers today (never mind the feast itself yesterday).

I pulled out my reindeer that has been 2 years in the making.....err.....sitting....a few weeks ago and while I probably won't get to it beforehand, it is definitely an airplane project.

There is some nice Christmas tattng by Sheila Stewart.

Georgia linked us to this great cluny butterfly!

It's late now.....tatted with Chris, learned some French, talked with 2 friends online....and I really need to hit the sack.

Vacation 1


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