Yesterday I downloaded the new Internet Explorer 7 and have been cussing it ever since. The icons or lack of icons confuses me. So far, my scanner no longer works from the shortcut. I uninstalled and reinstalled but it still doesn't read a crucial file. However, it DOES work from the button I push on the scanner itself. I never had to use it before. So I'm a little irritated for now. It doesn't load my email properly. I haven't tried to print yet. We'll save that aggravation for another day.
I took the one bootie I tatted to try on Michelle today. It barely fits without socks so the next one will be bigger. I've been using the pattern by
Lenore English which I adore. I'll just make an extra repeat at the bottom between the clovers and possibly and extra row on the upside. She is 6 months old tomorrow so I kind of wondered if these would fit. They will after some adjustment.

I went to tatting guild in Greenfield last Saturday for the first time in months. Kaye was mugged during the Christmas season and suffered a broken arm. She's still mending but that didn't stop her from tatting! We did a fun round robin sort of exercise, each person tatting a length of chain, cutting it off and handing the shuttle with the current tatting to the person on the right. We tatted each segment for 3 minutes before passing it on. It's interesting to see how other shuttles feel. The idea was to end up with a bookmark of everyone's tatting.
I also bought some thread - this spool of Jean Stitch is a spun polyester thread and feels like size 20. It tats terribly! Rough and almost sticky, it's very difficult to close rings. I think I'll have to use it for something else.

There was quite a bit of Omega thread and I liked the variegated so bought these two in size 30. They also had the same thing in size 50 but I think it will take me forever to use these!

I haven't really done much tatting this week. I'm currently soaking some lace I bought in Rensselaer, IN at an antique store a few weeks ago. Two pieces are crocheted and one tatted. Hopefully, I can show the tatted one tomorrow. It's an edging and tatted around motif that appears to be a crocheted circle of the stitch...can't think of it but like Brazilian embroidery. Oh,
here it is. A rolled or bullion crochet circle..and the tatting is around it. I found it intriguing.