Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I got my exchange heart from Wally Sosa. She tatted a variation of the daisy picot heart and used split rings instead of clunies,which I really like. It's such a nice combination of different textures in this heart. Thank you Wally!

Someone emailed me and asked how to get a bead sitting on what appeared to be a chain to her. I thought about pulling up a bead from the shuttle thread while tatting a chain but thought that would separate the stitches so I tried tatting a ring with a bead that would sit on the base of the ring. The first time I used too big of a bead (gold) and too few stitches.

I knew what it was supposed to look like and that wasn't it, so I went to a smaller bead and used more stitches between the picots. Here you can see it with the ring closed. It looks like the bead is sitting on the edge. You can reverse your work back and forth and it will create a scalloped effect which is quite nice.

I realize this looks pretty sad right now. I was looking through an antique publication and saw what looked like a coaster-size doily. I rewrote the instructions, climbing out of each round. When I got around to tatting it though, I had to make more changes. The 9-ring ring turned into a SCMR. Most of my bridging was done with chains. I'll try to finish it up tonight and make the final changes. Some of you might remember that I hate tatting anything with picots as profuse as these! I still do but I wanted it to be the same as the original. I will modify a second version. The clover shape between the 9-ring rings reminded me of St. Patrick's Day and that's what led me to have a go at it.


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