Just a reminder, if you're interested in Tat Day in Greenfield, Indiana on August 25, 2007, go here for the description and a link to the registration form.
"Victorian Tea Party"
Saturday, August 25, 2007
9:30am - 3:30pm
arrggghhh....I knew I forgot something....I meant to look for a tatted glove pattern while I was home at the weekend. Oh well, I also forgot to pick up a bill so I'm going there after work and will just have to remember then.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007

More shuttle endings...I started one of the flowers in Linda's Petals to Pearls book but didn't have enough thread for the last round. I think it's perfect just like this. Altin Basak size 50 thread.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

I tatted some odds and ends last night but didn't bring them with me today. Guess I'll scan later!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Finally...I'm back to my blog and checking the drafts, I see I loaded this photo and had written some of the following without publishing. The doily is now in its owner's possession and she loves it. She commented that she liked the way the variegated thread went around the black....the problem is, it's not a variegated thread! The black motifs bled into the ecru when I wet the whole thing to block it. I never would have expected that! That's one of the issues you come across when you work with unknown threads. I don't know who the tatter was or where she (or he) got their thread. I do know they tied knots at the end and didn't hide the ends and that they ironed them.
I was very sorry to remove the Japanese Tatting Ring but every time I tried to go there, each link took me to the same page so I took it out of my links. There was some beautiful tatting there if you had the patience to find it.
In the meantime, I'm down to 2 motifs for my friend's doily. One is partially completed but I haven't been home enough to work on it. I was hoping to finish it by tomorrow night so I could scan it. Oh, I do have photos...in my camera..and no way to download them yet! (obviously this was an earlier entry!)

My yellow bag which has been to Egypt and back! One of my lace group members won it in our Lace Day Drawing and took it with her on a trip to Egypt last month.

Vintage bag that is very similar although I think the outer motifs look slightly different - I'm not sure they are. I think the centers may be the same but sized differently. Oh, there are more small rings. I also added a hen & chicks edging on the top of mine.
CQ MagOnline has a new issue! I've been so busy I didn't even realize it was time. I've been studying for a test I have coming up Tuesday (not nearly as much as I should be!) and doing some watercolor painting. I've tatted too, mostly trying to use up threads on shuttles and on floss holders, but I didn't bring any books with me to the place I'm house-sitting at. I have a few printouts and I can do simple things from memory, but I purposely did not bring my tatting so that I would focus on other things....like studying. HA!
Last weekend I packed up a bunch of beads and thread and hauled it over with me. I really don't know why...I'm also working on a scrapbook but so far I've not even been able to get the photos sorted out. I've got them kind of sorted but I'm in the process of duplicating some ( a lot more than I thought I would) so I haven't even started on layout or themes.......I think this weekend I will take back all that tatting stuff and just keep the floss holders of threads and my shuttles and workbox. I can get lots of roses and butterflies done if I really feel a surge to tat.
Saturday, July 21, 2007

You can find this book to order here directly from Linda Davies.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007

I've got 4 motifs together so far, the 4 center ones. Kinda hard to find a background that makes them pop out. They looked beautiful on my car seat upholstery but I don't have anything handy that matches it.
I'm in my friend's house now ( well, home for a bit gathering up the last laundry and other stuff I want out there) so for the next month, postings might be even more sporadic. My scanner is at home but I'll be there once a week or so once my son moves out which he expects to be by the end of the week.
My hardanger is at Paula's and I didn't bring it with me to scan but I don't have much done on it yet. Sally gave us the option of an applique for something or for it to be a little pincushion or sachet. I'm choosing the sachet/pincushion.
Welp, other son here to fix something for me so this ia a very short one!
Saturday, July 14, 2007

Here's a little closer view of the tin. What a fabulous job! Thank you again Melody!
The Tea-for-One is actually a salt and pepper shaker! I think I have a tea-for-one that very closely matches this. I just think it's adorable!
Here's a closer-up view of the bag. For the moment, I have it hanging on my iron screen room divider in the living room. I'll probably take it with me today when I haul my clothes out to their house. Thank you Paula & Craig!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Saturday, July 07, 2007
My friend P came out today to take some stuff to her house....and I felt the stress I always feel about showing someone my home. I guess it's a concern about being judged. Our homes create an impression in someone's mind...it reveals so much about us - or mine does anyway. There's nothing hidden because there is no way to hide anything. I guess that's why it's my sanctuary - but at the same time, it makes me feel vulnerable.
Oddly enough, associating with lacers has made me realize that we are much the same. There are a few that have the "show home" atmosphere, but they are rare in my circle, and it's mostly because of the husband, not the wife. I find that most are reluctant to let me in their homes.....because they have this impression that my own world will be more organized or something. Most of them still don't know. LOL! It's kind of funny how creativity is like that.....appearing messy, disorganized, in little piles. That's because our workshops are our homes. We don't contain creativity to a single room or a single corner of our lives.
It's kind of an odd perception, that because you are creative, your creativity adorns your home. It can and often does, but a lot of it adorns someone else's home instead. It used to be for my home, but that doesn't seem to happen as much anymore. I have great ideas, but no time to follow through.
I'm especially feeling closed in right now. Both sons with respective households spilling all over the place. My living room is currently half storage for one son. The other's spills out of his bedroom, into the kitchen and basement...and he has a lot stored at my daughter's. Even my refrigerator is overflowing.
My garage is not storage safe, but they have stuff out there too. For the most part, it doesn't bother me. It sounds like both will be moving out next weekend....coincidently the same time I'm going to housesit for my friend.
Then ....my house will feel empty.
I finished test-tatting the partner hearts that go with Martha's larger one. They didn't take long at all...I got both done last night as I watched a movie and even took time out to visit with my son & his girlfriend who stopped by to pick up some stuff. They are both in a friend's wedding today.
While I'm housesitting, I plan to watercolor and I plan to scrapbook. I do not plan to bring any lace with me. HA! I'm really not terribly good at scrapbooking but I want to get these organized and done with....but it also occurs to me that I really need to scrapbook my tatting. I've been putting the motifs in small photo albums....it doesn't work. I want to write about the tatting experience, show the pattern, and have the piece(s) all in one place. I think a scrapbook would be the best solution for permanent documentation. I guess I didn't know I wanted it to be more permanent until now. The problem with the small albums is that the pieces fall out...or you take them out and forget to put them back in. In a scrapbook, I can take the entire page out for certain displays and then put them back ....if I were a truly organized person. That's something I have to consider too. More ideas than time and energy is a huge issue for me.
Well...gotta do laundry and get ready for a family get-together tomorrow.
Oddly enough, associating with lacers has made me realize that we are much the same. There are a few that have the "show home" atmosphere, but they are rare in my circle, and it's mostly because of the husband, not the wife. I find that most are reluctant to let me in their homes.....because they have this impression that my own world will be more organized or something. Most of them still don't know. LOL! It's kind of funny how creativity is like that.....appearing messy, disorganized, in little piles. That's because our workshops are our homes. We don't contain creativity to a single room or a single corner of our lives.
It's kind of an odd perception, that because you are creative, your creativity adorns your home. It can and often does, but a lot of it adorns someone else's home instead. It used to be for my home, but that doesn't seem to happen as much anymore. I have great ideas, but no time to follow through.
I'm especially feeling closed in right now. Both sons with respective households spilling all over the place. My living room is currently half storage for one son. The other's spills out of his bedroom, into the kitchen and basement...and he has a lot stored at my daughter's. Even my refrigerator is overflowing.
My garage is not storage safe, but they have stuff out there too. For the most part, it doesn't bother me. It sounds like both will be moving out next weekend....coincidently the same time I'm going to housesit for my friend.
Then ....my house will feel empty.

While I'm housesitting, I plan to watercolor and I plan to scrapbook. I do not plan to bring any lace with me. HA! I'm really not terribly good at scrapbooking but I want to get these organized and done with....but it also occurs to me that I really need to scrapbook my tatting. I've been putting the motifs in small photo albums....it doesn't work. I want to write about the tatting experience, show the pattern, and have the piece(s) all in one place. I think a scrapbook would be the best solution for permanent documentation. I guess I didn't know I wanted it to be more permanent until now. The problem with the small albums is that the pieces fall out...or you take them out and forget to put them back in. In a scrapbook, I can take the entire page out for certain displays and then put them back ....if I were a truly organized person. That's something I have to consider too. More ideas than time and energy is a huge issue for me.
Well...gotta do laundry and get ready for a family get-together tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I had some requests recently for the pattern of the triangular gift bags I made a few years ago. I had them in the file section of my yahoo group but no way to post them publicly. And then....when looking at Mary Donohue's website, I realized e-snips was an option so I created an account and uploaded the file there. The link is over to the right under "patterns". It will take you to the folder with patterns but you'll have to click on which one you want. As I have time, I'll add my other designs, all 3 or 4 of them. LOL!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

So...this is a tease. I'll show it and tell you about it later.

And here is another tease. Are you noticing a pattern of any kind?
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