I've got 4 motifs together so far, the 4 center ones. Kinda hard to find a background that makes them pop out. They looked beautiful on my car seat upholstery but I don't have anything handy that matches it.
I'm in my friend's house now ( well, home for a bit gathering up the last laundry and other stuff I want out there) so for the next month, postings might be even more sporadic. My scanner is at home but I'll be there once a week or so once my son moves out which he expects to be by the end of the week.
My hardanger is at Paula's and I didn't bring it with me to scan but I don't have much done on it yet. Sally gave us the option of an applique for something or for it to be a little pincushion or sachet. I'm choosing the sachet/pincushion.
Welp, other son here to fix something for me so this ia a very short one!
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