Melody, my Christmas in July Tin Exchange partner received her tin....and I forgot to get a photo of the tin but here's most of what I sent her. Remember the tease post? I like these retractable key fobs to keep my crochet hook on but you could put scissors on there too. I used the #4 motif from Patti Duff's Minitats to make this. It's tatted in size 70/80 tatting thread and I used 3 beads for each picot to give the impression of holly berries since it was a Christmas theme.
We didn't have to tat anything but I couldn't resist tatting a snowflake. I used DMC silver metallic thread and a sulky red/green/silver blend together. I ran out of the DMC metallic and had to quit after 3 rounds when it should have had 4. It is snowflake #13 in 24 Julestjerner i Orkis by Lene Bjorn. This is not the English version - thank goodness for diagrams!
Turns out Melody is a needle tatter, but she does have a small shuttle collection. I'm a little rusty on my painting but it was so much fun doing this. Makes me want to get back at painting on a regular basis!
I can't find my notes for the "frame" I had around Lila's motif so I found a new possibility. This is the 3rd try. I took it to work to xerox so I can play mix and match with multiple shapes and see if they will go in the formation I want. Then I forgot to do it. I hope it works out the way I want. I'm ready to wrap it up and get it back to her.
Here's my latest WIP. Jane's kokopelli done in tatting cotton size 60. I still have painting to do on the shuttle before I glue him on there. I bought some black quilting thread yesterday and will have another go at him, attempting to keep the eye inside instead of letting it slip out and become a nose. The size 60 thread I have is old and kept breaking. My frustration level is already on the high side, so I decided to try it on stronger thread or just use the nosy kokopelli! Deb Flork's design is there too so you have TWO choices. I was afraid hers would be too fat. I had to decrease the stitch count on Jane's to make it fit on the shuttle.
Process: Color Options
12 hours ago
Your painting is gorgeous! Is that just a regular ol' white shuttle originally? Wow its gorgeous!