Sunday, October 12, 2008

I have always believed in the inherent goodness of mankind. There is strong concern right now with economic issues and the presidential election coming up in our country. I prefer soothing messages such as this rather than the doom and gloom that sensationalizes the media.


I'm tatting thread off of shuttles but have nothing to show for it. I'm still finishing up some needlelace and crocheting and working on Connie's package. Tomorrow I draw a new monthly winner. Sounds like I'm behind, huh? Yep, but as I fumed last night over something that didn't turn out, I decided to relax and let go of it. I have a lot of last minute details to take care of before the cruise. I'll be coming back earlier than I thought and I will still be off work so I'll take my time and do it right. I just have too many ideas in my head at once!


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