I'm still working on the Spinning Wheel glass mat but I've also been doing some other stitching so I'm not much further on it and didn't think it was worth scanning for an update right now.
A week from now I'll be doing last minute packing for the cruise in the Eastern Carribbean. As much as I would love to do a seasonal switchout with my clothing this weekend, I can't put the warm weather things away until after the cruise so I might as well wait. I have so much other stuff I need to get done anyway...the last mowing of grass, take out the window AC, make curtains for that window since the blinds broke when we put the AC in. I live back off the road so it's not like there are hoards of people driving or walking by and the AC covered the lower half of the window but now that cool weather is approaching, I need to take care of it. I've got the material and a curtain rod so it shouldn't take me that long to whip something up. Umm...well, if I don't let myself think about it too much, that is. Everytime I really start thinking about it, I want to put tatted motif insertions in it and a tatted edging....
I've been entertaining myself by looking through old blog entries. I forget what all I have written about and I feel like the toddler, whose toys were put away when they got boring and then brought out again a month or two later and it's like a brand new toy! I've also been exploring some other links I've found and whoo-whee...inspiration has stricken multiple times! I don't really want to point them out yet since some will be made into surprises for the monthly drawing winners.
Thanks for the link! I love cake decorating and cookie decorating and etc, etc. I had to add that one to my google reader.