I'm sitting here killing time waiting for the mail to come before I take off for Ayr, Ontario for the Fringe Element Tat Day. It always amazes me what I dig up when I'm packing supplies for an event like this. It's like Christmas! Last night I found this skein of embroidery floss that I bought in Australia at a yarn/fiber shop that Maureen took me to. (That woman knows some GOOD places to go to!) I remember it was the last skein and so pretty and on the expensive side but I bought it anyway. Two years later, I find it. As I wound it on the floss holder last night, I was thinking it was a little thick for the kind of tatting I like to do...even bigger than size 10 thread...and then I realized they were strands of floss - I can separate them and use only 2 or 3 strands. Yay! Good thing..since it's only 10 meters....that makes it go a lot longer. At the same time, here is a button I bought with ..ummm...several others...a few weeks ago at JoAnn Fabrics. I love buttons and I love to imagine them with tatting. How often do I get around to doing that? ROTFL! Not nearly as often as the big pretzel container of buttons would make you think I expected to!
I was reminded again on Tuesday when I met up with a couple of lace group members at lunch to show them some samples of what could be done for holiday tatting and some of my photos were of tatting with buttons for brooches or amulet bags. So, of course, seeing this thread got me all fired up.
And the mail better come pretty soon because the more I look around, the more I pack in the car which I won't have time to do anything with anyway! But a bit ago, I found a pincushion I was working on a few months ago for the pincushion exchange. I decided not to go with this one when I found the spoon idea, so it has sat languishing, but I took my barely started sample with me hoping to get inspired. I thought I had a picture of it but I don't find one. It's a very small one, good for putting in your tatting workbox where you only need a few pins and needles.
Found lots of jewelry findings in my putzing around too. Last night I was in the basement looking for something in a particular basket, and I found 2 containers of size 8 perle cotton! I remember buying it when I first discovered the Heirloom Corner. She had such beautiful colors of thread there and it was heaven for someone who couldn't find anything locally. At the time, I tatted with size 12 DMC and size 20 in anything else. The size 8 was a bit big and soft, but I didn't care...for awhile. I've used very little of it, but hey...this is perfect for my hardanger!
Well, I'm off shortly. Probably won't have an opportunity to post until I'm back on either September 30 or October 1. With lotsa pics!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I just purchased this thread from Yarnplayer's Etsy Shop. I played at dying threads myself a few years ago and loved the scrumptious colors but had trouble getting the colors to "set" properly. There are newer ways to dye and keep it colorfast so I may try it again one of these days. I wound it on a ribbon floss holder after receiving it in the mail night before last. I don't know what I want to tat with it yet and I'll plan carefully since there is a limited amount of yardage in this skein.
Jane Eborall diagrammed a quick and easier way to do split rings developed by Marie Smith. I can't wait to try it.
hmmm....I see a theme here....new thread, can't wait to try it; new technique, can't wait to try it....I can't tell you how many patterns and ideas I am dying to try out! Why don't I have time? Beats me but I've been pretty darn busy for weeks now.
Bette sent me this link to a handbag website....you'll notice on the right side that there are tons of tutorials. I mentally wrenched myself away from the site last night before I discovered the links...but drawn, like a moth to a flame, I revisited it today and found them. The Origami Pocket Pouch is what we tatters affectionately call The Dorset Bag posted originally by Joy McKenzie and then rewritten and posted by Gale Marshall on her site.
I love the look of these Gypsy purses. Look closely - you'll see some tatting. I was going to ask for permission to use a photo but I'm having trouble finding a contact link so I won't.
Enough writing....there's tatting to get at!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Tis the season to prepare! I sent out the sign-up notice for the TattingGoddess Updates list Secret Santa Exchange yesterday. I also sent out notice to my lace guild about a series of classes I'm having at the library for guild members only - holiday tatting. They pick their project and I'll work with them for those 4 weeks. I'm really looking forward to it!
I found this holiday ornament at the Cracker Barrel when I was on my way back from Palmettos a few weeks ago. I don't remember what state I was in...but for sock-monkey lovers, you might want to check it out in your area.
I'm still crocheting...slowly...but will probably get back to some tatting at some point over the weekend. There's just so much to do lately and I'm going to Ayr, Canada next week for the Fringe Element Tatters Tat Day. This will be new to me...another exciting adventure!
Did you know Tatted Lace is a song? I can hear the words better in the first one by Alela Diane.
I may have to buy the CD. LOL! I still haven't found a copy of the book of poems, Tatted Lace and Other Handmade Poems. I've been looking for one for ...oh, four years now. I did connect with the person who handled sales of that book but it was out of print and she did not have any extra copies. I might have to make my own.
I noticed on her website that all the lace is crocheted, not tatted, but there are no claims of tatting on there so I didn't see any point in mentioning it to her. Looks like she will perform in Indianapolis on November 9th, but I'll be out of state then.
No tatting to show....I'm still crocheting the filet crochet piece. Sigh.....I wanted to make one for an aunt in FL, as well as the 2 friends I'm going to meet up with. It's a kokopelli...shhhhhhh.....don't tell...and if any of them tatted (they don't) I would tat a little kokopelli for them from Jane's website - which would go a whole lot faster because it's so little. But I've wanted to make this for awhile anyway.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
It's been one of those weekends where I didn't get much tatting done and thought I didn't have much to post about. But then as I scanned the one and only thing I tatted...one scan led to another and another and ...well, I practically have a book now! First...my youngest son, Jesse, called me Friday night to tell me he was engaged! Yesterday he sent out the above photo of he and Libby in his (heheheh) email announcement. She is a recently certified RN and works at the high risk maternity unit at a hospital near Indianapolis.
Saturday afternoon I went to my friend Paula's house near Brookston to go to the Apple-Popcorn Festival there. She & her hubby are part of a gun & rifle club and go to "shoots" several times during the summer, including this day. They weren't back yet so I sat and brushed Virgil, the dog, who clearly loved it, and then I tatted a bit. I didn't have any patterns with me and very little thread, just 2 different spools of quilting thread that I wanted to play with together. I started tatting this little piece without a clue as to where I was going. Paula showed up before I even completed the second round. I finished it today, still not sure where I was going with it, but I'm very pleased with it. You can't see its shape all that well...I may have to play with color to see if that helps define it, but I'm anxious to do something more with it.
I also started this filet crochet piece yesterday. It's a gift I have in mind for friends in FL that I will see in November. I don't think they read this blog, but just in case....I probably won't continue to show its progress.
Paula found a few old things in her stuff, including this copy of Aunt Ellen's how-to from Workbasket. I have one but I think it's in red and missing pages so I appreciatively accepted this copy!
Traipsing around garage sales and festivals can be dangerous with friends. It's so easy to let yourself be talked into getting something! I got the dragonfly candlecup for a quarter. Actually, it was half-price but she couldn't figure out what to do with the half-cent so I told her to keep the quarter. LOL! It's Paula's fault that I got the teapot. I generally stick to tea-for-ones as an attempt to limit my collection but once in a while I get a regular teapot. This one is the most beautiful blue...almost a cobalt blue and was only $3....Paula kept saying, "You should get it!" She hasn't seen the dozens I have packed away because I have no room to display them.
I can't resist cheap jewelry! I kept thinking of ways to use them in tatting but I'll probably wear some of the earrings before I put them in the pot waiting for tatted embellishments.
I've got to find a way to use all those big pearls! I have oodles of those from other pieces. Just what I need....one more challenge!
This plastic container was my first buy!
Here it is partially opened.
Here it is all opened up. There are 2 side compartments as well as the center one. I think I can pack a lot into this.
Ever since I got back from house-sitting, stuff has been dropped in piles on the living room floor and expecially all my tatting supplies. I had them all spread out before I left for South Carolina and when I returned....all over the floor again...so today I pretty much picked it all up and put it away...in a safe place...and I'm already concerned that the safe place has become far too safe!
I remembered today that I need to be planning the Tatting Goddess Secret Santa Exchange!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Every so often I remember to look at the "blogs of note" that blogger lists and actually have time to take a peek...the first (and only) one I went to was Beate's Fabric Art. It's a German site that is written mostly in English. Anyway, I love her felt and other fiber notebooks but there are also several fabric yo-yo's mixed in if you explore her site far enough. Lots more ideas for those things I really don't like but feel compelled to make, sooner or later! LOL! I WILL make a yo-yo that I adore.
And that reminds me, dear Gail sent me felting supplies months ago (please don't tell me it's been a year!) and Beate's site inspires me again to try it. Just as soon as Greenfield Tat Day is over, and my class reunion, and the long weekend at Palmetto, and the long tatting weekend in Canada....okay, maybe between those 2 long weekends.
That was written....oh, awhile ago...somehow was still in draft status...
Today I was following a link from Tea Party Girl, which led me to another link to this History channel documentary about tea! http://www.guba.com/watch/2000919867 It's 44 minutes long so don't bother if you're on dial-up. If you have a faster connection, I found it helpful to put it on "pause" and go do something for awhile. Otherwise, it kept "buffering" but if you give it some time to download ahead, you can watch it without interuption. Fascinating! As a result, my sister & I made plans to visit another tearoom in Indiana...which one is yet to be determined.
Last night or was it the night before...I started tatting Jane's watering can that goes with the wheelbarrow. My thread kept breaking and in frustration, I pitched it. LOL! The pattern is easy, the thread was not. It's some Omega variegated that I bought some time back. I've tatted with it before and liked it, as far as I remember, but it sure wasn't cooperating with me this time. I ended up reading last night, Lavender Lies, one of several China Bayles mysteries that a friend gave me. It involves teashops and herbs and crafts and a former female attorney who loves herbs more than libel, and a slew of characters that are fun, light reading. I think I needed something like that after that intense TATTING weekend.
Oh...a word to the wise....don't store your tatting in those flimsy plastic photo albums. I stashed several in the lovely bag my friend Paula gave me to show and tell in Palmetto, but never managed to get them out of the car as I was so busy going places! And it was HOT in the car. It did not damage the tatting, fortunately. This one was the worst but another has some moderate crinkling and 2 others didn't seem to be significantly affected by it. I guess you shouldn't leave ANYTHING in the car when it's that hot.
I may take another stab at that watering can...or I may read the rest of the mystery. The cleaning urge hasn't really kicked in yet. LOL!
My first class of the day was with Erin Holloway...about applique with tatting. Erin had several samples of potential projects and we had a couple of choices for in-class. I loved sachet bags so I picked an organdy bag and stitched on some roses that I'd already tatted at some point in the past. I had to tat the stems but that was quick. I filled up the bag with lavendar (which made my car smell so nice all the way home) and pulled it tight. I could have put the flowers a little lower down. You don't notice it until you have the bag full and then it pulls the applique up or it seems higher. I also brought home a red bag full of Christmas pine scented filling. I'll put something seasonal on it. She showed picture frames and baby clothes and slippers as other targets for applique.
Btw, I got so many nice gifts from tatting friends...somehow I'll have to pay them back. Erin had a little goody bag for each of us which included the requisite chocolate, but she also gave me 3 hand-painted lace bobbins! If you look closely, you can see she painted my name on 2 of them. One of these days I'll have enough for more than a little bobbinlace project!
The unexpected surprises are sometimes the best and most meaningful. I had lots of them this time...even though I'm beginning to get used to people recognizing me from my blog, it still blows me away sometimes. Out of the blue, a lovely tatter handed me this bag of goodies. Her name is Connie Angeline and her note inside said: "You gave me an idea. You donated a pattern. You answered my quesiton in class. You shared your technique. You took the time to answer my e-mail. You welcomed me into your online group. Whatever you did, it was so generous, I'd just like to say thank you!" I understand Connie gave more than one of these out....and I am just dumbfounded that she took the time, not only to identify people, but to make up the bags and hand deliver them to us. I've never expected anything in return for any help or teaching I might give or do. For me, it's a paying forward for all that I've received from others in the tatting community. I remember too well feeling isolated and frustrated in my quest to learn. Thank YOU Connie and everyone else who has been so thoughtful to me!
At this point, I went to the display room and drooled over all the beautiful tatting. As I was going to my room the night before, I met Iris Niebach! She had so many things on display - magnificent tatting! I wished I had planned better for this event and given myself time to chat and visit with EVERYONE but it wasn't to be this time...just little hugs and quick words in the inbetween moments.
I had my camera with me this day and took pictures in nearly every class and inbetween as well as all the tatting in the display room. My camera is still new to me and I noticed after I got home that some of the motifs looked washed out and indistinct, but most showed up beautifully.
My second class was with Jane Eborall, the wheelbarrow and watering can. I had my shuttles wound and ready to go. I was able to complete the wheelbarrow just in the nick of time but still have the watering can to go. Jane rode with me the last time I went in 2005 so it was a great treat to meet up with her again. I'm looking forward to making her tree frog. Some things just look so much better in person.
For lunch, I tried to sit with some people I did not know. sigh....I've forgotten the names already but they are from Georgia! Tonya was one...with her husband, and I think ?Janice?...Erin Benner! Also Teresa and Ronnie Woods.
My first afternoon class was the strawberry flower with Mary Donohue. I got that one done just before class ended too! It was fun hearing how Mary came up with the idea and how it developed. Mary had lost her sample (which I think Donna Thompson found) and Georgia went off to the display room to "borrow" the Flower Garden Display.
My last class was the block tatted watering can and flower pot by Martha Ess. I didn't get this one done, but I got pretty far on it. I finished the spout later that night in my hotel room and the rest of it last night. You may have noticed the tea set done in block tatting in the slide show. That developed out of this project too. It really is quite clever. I enjoyed all the tips Martha gave on how to work this one too. I can't believe I did NOT get a photo of Martha in class or in her tatted bonnet which was gorgeous!
Dinner was with Erin & her hubby, Mark and his wife, and Sherry Townsend. Breakfast had included Hope Green, Martha Ess, and...ooooh...my brain is mush at the moment...it will come to me.
I noticed when I went to upload photos for this entry that some of the display room photos ended up in the wrong folder so here they are. Abby's shadow box was exquisite. I love miniatures and she created such wonderful detail in this medium. You might have noticed in the slide show too that Abby has completed the "Master" in T.A.T. Congratulations to Abby and she clearly deserves every award she received!
Jane was working on this patchwork piece the very first time I met her at Palmetto in 2004. The pattern is on her website.
Iris had so many things in the display room. This necklace set is intriguing. I wish I could have asked her about it. She uses different beads in a very specific way to get the design.
So, my head is still spinning and I still have so much to put away. In 2 weeks, I'll be heading to Ayr, Ontario Canada and we'll do this all over again...on a smaller scale. LOL!
I took off Thursday after work - went home and showered quickly, loaded everything into the car and off I went. First to Carmel,IN where I met my son at his new apartment and he & I & Libby, his lovely girlfriend, all went to Don Pablos for his birthday dinner. He helped me set up and program Tom-Tom and I was off again. I made it to Harrison, OH before calling it a night and finding a hotel.
I was off by 8:30 a.m. and noticed (in aghast!) that Tom-Tom said I had about 10 hours still ahead of me! Mapquest had said less than 11 hours from home and I had at least 2 hours, closer to 3 hours already done. Do I trust this mini-TV screen or not? I actually did pretty good until the last 2 1/2 hours. It had me going off the Interstate onto regular highways and biways and it seemed like the long way around but since I'd neglected to bring the Atlas in my hurry, I had to trust it.
Donna Thompson called when I was about 90 miles away to make sure I was coming. I got there about 15 minutes before the banquet was to start. Now...I hadn't planned on eating at the banquet to begin with for the simple reason that I wasn't sure I'd make it in time AND I figured I could just stop somewhere close and eat but this place is out in the middle of nowhere. They insisted I eat at the banquet and they would take care of it, but I'll send them a check as soon as I track down how much the banquet was. I pretty much threw my stuff into my room and walked into the banquet room while the introductions were still in progress. I was trying to slip in quietly but there were no seats and next thing I knew it was public that I was looking for a seat. LOL!
I did not have my camera with me so I missed some really good shots. The ladies talked about the change in venue and how hard everyone worked, the donations of butterflies that totaled over 4,000, various awards were given out and then Georgia was introduced as the banquet speaker. Georgia gave us some history about the early developments in tatting and offered a one-of-a-kind fairy shuttle for auction to start off a scholarship fund. I hope we get to see a photo of the shuttle because I never did get to see it up close. It brought over $100...I think $125 but I lost track and it was matched by another tatter if Georgia would make a 2nd one for the matched funds.
After that, Karey Solomon came up to the podium and showed us all of Jane Eborall's Tat Bead Family that she was returning to Jane after their visit in Hector,along with some additional Tat Bead Friends, made by the Finger Lakes Tatting Guild. You can see them in the slide show. After that, Erin Holloway and Sherry Townsend approached the podium. Now if you've ever seen these 2 together, you know they are up to mischief, no matter how straight-faced they look. Be careful. (consider yourself forewarned now) Erin started talking about Mattel's toys and how they had stepped up production lately...creating the Tatman Action Figure..which she held up for us to see, along with a Tatman wastebasket and a package of Tatman...ummm...I missed what they were but they were round. LOL! Anyway...they were for Mark Myers, aka Tatman. We all got a great kick out of it.
THEN...don't you dare think they were satisfied with only one target....then, they asked Riet, our Netherlands tatter, to come up. Riet has caused quite a ruckus in the past with naughty Mr. Monkey, a little sock-monkey look-alike that I crocheted for her one Christmas exchange a few years ago. They talked about how they were monkeying around and next thing you know, there's another monkey, and they slide a regular sized Red Heel Work-Sock Monkey across the podium...followed by another ...and then 2 more smaller ones. All for Riet. Along with special airline tickets home. LOL! I hope someone got pictures of that too!
I don't remember who all the ribbons went to but I think I got them in my photos of tatting in the display room. I believe they all got a commemorative shuttle too, but not the same as the fairy shuttle. There was a nightowl event after the banquet and they tatted....owls...but I was so tired, I just went to my room, unpacked and went to bed. I didn't realize until the next morning that I hadn't even brushed my teeth!
Next morning I went to the vendor room before my 1st class. Kaye Judt was the main vendor and since I see her on a regular basis, I didn't think there would be anything new for me to be tempted with.............quit snickering....
I ended up buying a Japanese book, Tatting Lace, that I do not have although I think I have one with a similar title...maybe Tatted Lace. I also got Chiacchierino #12. Martha Ess gave me my copy of Tat's Amore and I also purchased the Palmetto Disk of Patterns from Tat Day so I have all kinds of inspiration now! I went back later and got a ball of thread. Had to buy at least one!
...to be continued......
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Has anyone seen this new postage stamp? I keep thinking it should be tatted! The leaves are perfect for the cluny technique. I suppose the heart could be a bead or a heart charm. And the long curved shapes? Well take a look at the next picture!
This is called "Climbing Plant" and is an example of the node stitch in Tatting Techniques by Elgiva Nicholls. Now this is not Tatting Technique and History by Elgiva...it's a different book, not as commonly found. ISBN: 0 263 05907 3
I think this technique would adapt nicely! It's on page 97, plate VI.
Tomorrow night I leave for the Palmetto Tat Day. I'm only registered for classes on Saturday but there are 4 of them so I'll definitely be busy! I'm looking forward to seeing new and old friends. I didn't plan to go this year so this is sort of last minute...and an added expense I wasn't prepared for but it will be fun!
More photos to come!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Today I was in Walmart at Frankfort and found this little denim skirt bag. It's about the size of a cosmetic bag. Only $1.87 and since I haven't found the bigger denim bag I was going to use for the Trash to Treasure challenge, I decided to go with this one. The tattings are just a sample I pulled out of a tin and what I had laying on the table next to my living room chair. I have 4 little photo albums of samples too that I can possibly use....I'll just have to play around with it.
This is the latest shell version. One more tweak and that should be it. They keep getting bigger because I keep going to a bigger thread - not on purpose - it was just handy.
And I wanted a variegated thread because I think it looks more shell-like. I'll have to tat one up in the tiny thread too just to be sure the dimensions still work out.