Thursday, July 10, 2003

I changed the container graphic. It didn't look that dark when I loaded it the last time.

In the I.O.L.I. bulletin, there are several tatting articles, but at the end is a flower tatted in wire by Sherry Townsend. I love the flower but I have no desire to tat with wire. I do want to make wire-wrapped jewelry, but that is something else entirely. I might give it a try in thread some day. Right now, I still need to finish those crocuses I started.

Jane Eberoll's request for ideas to design new Christmas ornaments reminded me that I have a reindeer in the works, complete with little jingle bells. I hope I haven't forgotten how I got them on there! I need to finish the legs and the antlers. Or redo them - I think I had it done except for the antlers, but I wanted to change the legs a bit.

Someone is enjoying the break in the rainy weather by mowing!


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