I had a great week with Hope and her husband, Alan.
Alan fixes superior meals for one thing.

He also took me to a used book store, which for me, is a supreme way to end the visit!
There will be more later but here are a few highlights. Keep in mind this is a new camera and I was learning as I went.............along with being in unfamiliar surroundings and wanting to tat more than take pics most of the time.
We were working on The Peppermint Twist ring from my Greenfield Heirloom Corner Tatting Day and the Daisy Picot variations from the Fort Wayne Tatting Day with Mark Myers. You better believe we had already scoped out every bit of tatting/patterns from each other by this time! And as I'm thinking of it.....there is so much we did NOT do! Hopie - you never tried out the wooden picot gauge! We looked at it and felt it and turned it over but never actually tatted with it or the other one I brought. LOL! Well, what an excuse to visit again!
I was disappointed that the neighboring peacock was still a bit blurred in this photo. It was among the first I took. There are a few clearer ones of the less colorful one that I'll send to Hope.
We also went to a knit shop with threads, a scrapbook shop, a sewing shop, the bead store, the Container Store, and the ice-cream-to-die-for place! LOL! And.........I just remembered that I forgot to photograph the Luv2tat license plates!
So, it's going to take me a bit to process all this..........
BTW, for those interested, Hope says getting the blog in the mail loads so much faster than on the webpage - because it's only loading that entry, not the whole blog. So if you are interested in getting it by email, sign up there with the link in the upper right.
The doily I was working on............I'm to the very last point but knew I might run out of thread on one shuttle while still on the plane so it's not quite done and ready to show, but it is turning out quite nice.
Hope has put tatting on so much of her wardrobe and the lady sews like she is a full-time tailor! Amazing. Beautiful quilts too. Wish you all could see everything I saw!!!!