Tuesday, June 29, 2004

The Accidental Designer

Whoo Hoo! Up til 1:30 a.m. doing this and then I was only halfway through, not wanting to quit, but knew I had to, or I'd be making mistakes and regretting it. I decided to use some gold/amber seed beads instead of the bugle beads and I varied the picot size to jazz it up a bit. The result - I love it! It looks like a string of butterflies or perhaps dragonflies if I make the beady body longer and the middle picot. I may even keep this one for myself!

I did get my blinds down finally, and the curtain rods..........but it was midnight by then and I decided to tat a bit before I went to bed.....'cept I got involved in the bracelet more than I expected.

This morning now....and I finished it!!! Maybe it looks more like bees.......whaddya think? Click on the thumbnail to see it bigger.

LOL! Now that I got that out of my system, I can get down to the business of painting.


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