I received an info-crochet newsletter last night with a link to these darling yorkies done in needle felting, a technique I've never heard of. Unfortunately there are several pop-up ads on the page, but if you can get past them, you'll oooh and aaaaahh over them.
And whaddya know? Ebay has groups...not just seller's and users groups, but collectors groups. hmmmm....I joined a jewelry-making group. Not that I've made any but it's one my UFO ambitions, to create wire wrapped jewelry. UFO ambition - not quite the right word...unfulfilled ambition is what I mean, but I was thinking of my UFO's, unfinished objects.
Later...I find that Altavista.com has a search engine that includes a search for graphics, like google does. I finally figured out that an ISP that was showing up on almost all of my blogs was actually a "spider"....sent to index those sites for exactly what google and altavista do. It was quite interesting...I saw images of my tatting I'd forgotten all about. LOL! One of my "to-do" things this weekend is to copy my folders from the tatting goddess blog archive to a disk. It's my only paid-for site so it's also the only site that has everything archived where I can get to it easily. I just never go there, but now, with over 2 years of constantly changing material, I would like to back it up somewhere. I had no idea I would stay with it this long - it was a toy in the beginning.
I dropped one of the decorated shuttles this morning as I showed it off (blush) and a stone came off, along with paint, so I have to do that one over tonight. I've been tatting on the cord for my class at Palmettos - which is also a second necklace project I started way last winter. I'd like to finish it up soon so I can work on the motif that will go with it and then the smaller samples. But first....gotta get lace day out of the way. I really don't see any way I can tat something to enter at Palmettos. Unless I get my exchange quilt block done early....ROTFL!
One of the things I enjoy about seeing other tatters' work is how they use color and/or beads differently in the same motif. Here is a nice example of color play. If you go to her main page, you can see the effect with several motifs together as a doily. The designer is Irina Astatenko and this is from the Ankars website. I still haven't made the pattern I purchased there.
Tea's Tatting Memo has a lovely example of pearl tatting. You have to scroll down to the August 22, 2003 entry to see it but you'll have plenty of eyecandy to oogle on the way. I really do wish I could read the writing there. She does such exquisite work!
Well.....I'm off to tat.
Testing Some Ideas for Appliqué – Two Problems
9 hours ago