As I was cleaning off my table this weekend, I found all these different bags...THREE different bags. All from this week. sigh....clearance in Walmart, Michael's and JoAnn Fabrics....just couldn't resist. I ended up putting them all in the bag Mary gave me.
I've been quite productive this weekend. I try to sleep in but for some reason, I was awake between 6 and 7 every day. I gave up trying to get back to sleep around 7:30 or 8.
I've got the tatting part done on my bag exchange. ( ya later)
Got the Lace Jeopardy board painted. White on white....the lace strips looked fine. But put a little paint on there and every crooked corner shows up! LOL! No matter....they will be covered by $$ amounts and categories most of the time.
I was out raking again today. My chest is tight from inhaling woodsmoke on Friday and I have a dry, very dry cough. I can't remember the last time I had a cough like this. I've been drinking a lot, hoping to loosen it up, but not much luck so far.
I had these hats on my bed when I moved them to find something else and thought to myself, these hats look naked. I've been meaning to tat a hatband for a long time. Maybe we should have an exchange. Measure the hat you want a band for and let your partner tat it. That might be fun.
Well..stuff to finish up...
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