Today I traveled to Eastern Indiana to inspect a farm with 2 colleagues. Of course I took my tatting with me - you didn't think I would forget, did you? LOL!
But I tatted very little. I dozed most of the way there and back.
The edging above is from Rita Weiss's book,
Tatting Doilies & Edgings, edging #6 on page 38. I call it the butterfly edging because I think it looks like butterflies! I worked on it a bit this evening, but I was getting too sleepy so I stopped.
I'm sleepy because I spent 2 1/2 hours traipsing around in the cold (my fault for not wearing something heavier) and climbing up and down tractors and barn lofts. THEN when I got home, I decided to rake some more....and I raked and I raked and I started a burn pile, started burning, and raked and raked.....oh my...I am so sore.
I hope every single tatter has taken some time out today to tat something just for the sheer pleasure of it.
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