Karey Solomon's Class with the Dragonfly and Launching Pad
The launching pad was actually a skills-building class. It involved block tatting and beads and though Karey doesn't agree with the term, a SCMR (since everyone will recognize what I mean when I say that) and there might be another technique that isn't coming to mind right now. I didn't get the pad done yet. I need to finish this round and one more, I think. The dragonfly body was tatted in a spiral stitch with one of the threads being fishing line and the other was regular tatting thread. I started the wings but haven't been able to get back to them. I'd like to finish it before I go to tatting guild on Saturday though. It turned out that Kaye and Mary took different classes from me so we all have different projects to show.
This little tin arrived near the end of the weekend as a sort of final surprise. It had a pattern in it for a butterfly as well as a few beads for the center and a clover shuttle already wound with thread. I tatted the butterfly Sunday night in my room along with a few other things I was trying out. The pattern is from Rita Cochran. The tin was courtesy of her and Linda VanScoy and Jeanne Zukowski. Lovely tatted motfi on top too.
I bought this rayon thread from Gale, along with 3 other colors. I tatted a little sample of curds & whey (Konior). As you can see, it's tiny. The very first ring ended with a snapped thread when I tried to close it. LOL! I went at it a little more gently after that. She let me try a sample of the metallic thread she carries which is super strong but tats up very nicely.
And here is some of what I tatted while traveling! I was emptying shuttles so I would have enough for class. Well, I tried the little bud fragment on page 83 of Mary Konior's Tatting with Visual Patterns and added a bit more to the stem. I'd brought a few small frames with me because my intention was to tat a little something for our Lace Day Raffle. So there you are....
Almost got the shuttles decorated too. Sneak peek in a few days.....
I decided to try out the variegated Altin Basik thread I bought on the way home too just to see how the colors played out. The Bell Flower on page 46 of Mary's book was my target this time. The first section turned out so nicely, I decided to make the whole flower and pass it on to one of the secretarys at work next week. I got all the little bells done AND and little florets to use in the center, all on the way home - just need to put it together now. Then make another for the other secretary. I also need to get 3 of Pam Palmer's hobby horses done for new parents in the next week or so. Then maybe I can tat something for Palmettos. HA!
I plan to download my pics sometime this evening. I realized later that I didn't have the camera setting on "auto" so I'm not sure yet how they turned out. When I don't use auto, they tend to be fuzzy. I didn't get around to taking pics on Saturday so I missed some of the people who were not there on Sunday.
I might get some stuff put away tonight - and then again, maybe not.
Process: Color Options
12 hours ago
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