Everybody knows how it feels to eat a favorite comfort food, or read a comfort book, wear your special comfort jammies.....all those comforting things when we're blue or stressed or tired.
So what do you do for comfort tatting?
The daisy heart I did the other day was a comfort tat. Something familiar and appealing, not too long of a project or too complicated but not too easy either. It made me feel good to tat it. I knew it would turn out, even when I had to pick stitches out or resize a picot.
I've been exceptionally busy lately and find I don't want any tatting challenges right now. Well....maybe just a tiny challenge, something to keep my brain on the edge a bit. I've been working on the tatted bridal bag in The Classic Collection of Tatting Patterns, from the staff of Workbasket magazine. I've wanted to do it for a long time and it looks pretty easy.

Really....it is....and it is full of cut and ties! I managed to climb out of each round with a split chain or a split ring until round 6. Clovereafs there to attach to a ring from the previous round. At the time, I couldn't see how to do it, but now I think I could. But I already cut & tied and started a new round. The next round is medallions but I don't think they will be a problem. I might even be able to climb out if I don't have to rewind my shuttle. So far, it looks wider than the one in the book. hmmmm....my daughter-in-law's sister is getting married in a few weeks...maybe I should make her one.

The second row threw me at first. It said to make a ring and then another opposite that one and join to the 1st round. Then cut and tie and make a second pair of rings and join to the 1st round. Twelve pairs of rings in all. NO WAY was I going to hide 12 sets of threads! Instead, I did one row of split rings and climbed out with a split ring and made the second row same as the first. I have a feeling I'm giong to use up this ball of size 12 perle cotton with this project.
Well, time for an early night.
Good Night All!