P.S. I meant to add that the colors in this are so rich and so vibrant in person. You can't see it at all on the monitor screen.
Another flutter! I realized I have enough of an assortment of the HDT to tat one for each season. This is Knitty Gritty with Warm Dark Chocolate. This one will represent Autumn. The one made with Rhubarb Pie will be Spring, Summertime Trail will be Summer and Snowflake will be Winter.
I found a way to contact the butterfly's designer but it may take awhile for a response since I'm not certain the email is up-to-date. It didn't get returned so that is a good sign.
I've been wanting to crochet this apple cozy for ages. I didn't have any red yarn in the right weight so I used some cotton yarn. I've been wondering if it will fit most apples or not. I didn't have an apple so I used a ball of thread. A large ball wouldn't fit. This is a medium ball...Cebelia probably. It was quick and easy. I thought they would be a cute whimiscal gift at the holidays so we'll see if I pursue it or not.
We had a family reunion on my mom's side on Sunday. It was nice to see many of the aunts and uncles again plus a whole segment of folks I didn't even know but hopefully I'll have a clue at least to whom they belong to the next time I see them. I especially loved looking through an album my uncle had made up of scans of OLD photos. My grandmother as a baby and as a young girl. Photos of my mom as a baby and toddler. Great Uncle John was there, but in a motorized cart, the first time I've seen him in one. He's 92 years young. He drove himself there with his cart attached to the back of the car.
Process: Color Options
9 hours ago