Got my shuttles from Ms. Heart! I've been wanting to get one of her flat shuttles for a long time. Then I found out she made the post shuttles too so I had to have one of those. I got mine personalized - I wanted to have Tatting Goddess put on them but I knew it would be too big - especially when I found out she burnt the name into the wood! She has her mark on the other side so it's uniquely branded. If you want to order one, contact Bethann Heart and she'll let you know the prices for what you want. I've always liked her tatting hooks too, but I have several already. Okay........I have more than several tatting shuttles too, but there's always room for one more! LOL!
I love hand-crafted tools! I'm not likely to use the flat shuttle but I love the way it looks and feels.

Here's the new eye surround. There will be another piece on the opposite side of the purple similar to the little motif on there now. I like the way the rectangular bead worked out. The 2 long picots will hold another rectangular bead.
I made it to the Tatting Guild in Greenfield today! Nice to see everyone again! Somehow, I managed to leave one of my petals behind so I was hurriedly tatting another while there - except I didn't have the right thread with me. As it turns out, I forgot to attach at a side picot when putting the 2nd petal with the first so I am currently un-tatting. I found the other petal under my desk chair once I got home, so I'll start that 2nd petal attachment with the right one. It's an interesting little trick to use the fishing line. It's used as the core thread while doing chain stitches and that makes the edges firm. I think Kaye said it was a technique used by Lindsey Rogers. The tulip will be in a tatting book being cooked up by Kaye. No word on when.
After I left Greenfield, I went to Half-Price Bookstore in Castleton Square in Indy. I think someone needs to do an intervention with me and books. Even though more than half of what I got was only $1 and $2, I still managed to spend more money than I wanted to. Bummer! Then I stopped by home briefly to check the mail, both snail and E, and then moved on into Lafayette. I had a book on hold at the library that came in and I wanted to be sure to get it. Then I ate somewhere, and then I stopped at Hobby Lobby. Simplicity patterns were $.99 each....................................sigh....................... but I also got something my daughter said she wanted.
What I forgot to get though..............

were the hair clips that Helen gave us the tip on! Those simple hair clips will slip on a ball of thread and keep the loose thread from hanging around and getting tangled. I'll try to remember tomorrow.
I got to see Celtic Tatting! I especially like the butterfly on the cover and there is a little heart inside that I liked too. I didn't get it for now. My excuse was that I was saving my money for Tatting Day by Circle City Lacers in March. I think I blew that excuse at the bookstore. There were only a few copies available though and I think they were spoken for. I saw Tatted Animals too and also did not get that one.
On the other hand, at the library, at the freebie stand, there were a bunch of old crochet and knit leaflets. Yep - I picked them up! It think there are 20 or so there, from the 40's through the 60's. I already had 4 of them once upon a time, now that I look through them.
Tonight I'm probably going to read. I'm part way through Crossing Over, the true story of a young Amish woman's experience with leaving the Amish way. I want to finish it fast so I can start on the book I got from the library. Besides, I may have my grandson over before the night is over.
I'll put my tulip up when I get it done. May be awhile.