I'm trying to unwind from a wound-up day so I'm at this in the wee hours..............
I got the black floss yesterday and spent time last night separating the strands and then winding on shuttles and I'm in the process of adding beads now. I was busy getting a new car earlier today and then my son's graduation party was this evening so no tatting today!
The mailing list for this blog is also a yahoo group and we got to talking last night about UFO's and what we could do about them. Riet suggested having a set day of the month to address them as the German group has done so I think we are going to do that. I'm already working on one - the elephant. Nell has a runner to do by May. Hope is working on a placemat edging. It will be fun to see what we finish off this way. I have at least 2 more old projects that I'll be motivated to get back to work on myself.
In yesterday's mail, I got 3 different issues of Home Needlework Magazine from 1914. (ebay) One issue says on the front: Tatting, How to do it fully explained in this issue. LOL! I did not see that when I bid on it. In reading the article, I was surprised to see it said " The shopkeepers tell us they are now selling more tatting shuttles in a single month that heretofore in a year, and there is a call on all sides for directions, "Tell us how to do it". "
Here's a scan showing the edgings which have instructions. Very nice designs!
Process: Color Options
12 hours ago
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