Last night I sat down and tried out a pattern from the book I got last weekend, Tatted Easter Eggs, but first I had to empty some I just started a pattern in the book, #14, and tatted til the thread was gone.

This particular egg featured "rolled" tatting, where you wrap the shuttle thread around the core thread continuously for a certain length. I had trouble with this technique before, but last night it went smoothly. The biggest problem was I had it so tight that it was hard to close the ring, so I made the 2nd one a little looser. You can see how the one on the right is larger than the one on the left. It makes a very smooth line in the ring, nice as a design element. Many of these "eggs" are perfect for miniature picture frames. Or a nice way to feature frame something on a crazy quilt project.
There is an example on Dan, the Tatmeister's site which compare the rolled tatting with a regular ring.

This is a cylinder of thread that I bought at St. Vincent's earlier this week. It was only a dime and I couldn't really tell what size or kind of thread in the package so I bought it because I was curious. What is even more intriguing is that it is made up of 4 strands side by side, not twisted, and looks like a flat cord when you unroll it, but the strands easily separate. Each strand looks to be about a size 10 thread. I have no idea what it is used for. But for a dime, I was entertained for awhile!
I bought some quilt thread at Walmart the other night...that's what I wanted to use on the Easter Egg patterns, but by the time I emptied a shuttle, I was ready to go to bed. Maybe tonight!
I made it to Curves this morning around 10:00 a.m. It wasn't too busy, but within minutes, the room was crowded as others came in. I found out early this week that I'm not limited to 3 times per week - I can come every day if I want. I keep seeing more and more people I know. I would say at least 75% of the women there are age 40 and over. There are few young women. A large percentage of them are 50 and over, like me. There are 3 other locations here in maybe the chickies are going to a different one and the hens are coming to this one. LOL! I've just been coming regularly this month and I've noticed several of the women are doing much better than they were at first. I'm hoping coming every day they're open will work for me. I have a hard time getting much out of it so far, but I may go to 3 circuits instead of 2. Maybe push myself a bit too. My friends think it's because I already walked the treadmill so much and was very active with my work, walking most places on campus. I've never been sore, never felt pushed, and my heart rate has never moved to the limit. But I am getting some upper body exercise which I wasn't getting before. Monday is the weigh and measure day so we'll see what the results are.
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