Saturday I went to the Covered Bridge Festival in Parke County. We went to Mansfield, one of several locations specific to the Festival, and probably the very largest. There are hundreds
HUNDREDS of craft and food vendors. I got some Xmas gifts and lots of ideas for things to make, and a few goodies for myself. Did you know they make soy candles? They burn soot-free. A container slightly smaller than a quart jar will burn for 72 hours. When it burns and is melted, it will not burn your fingers. I bravely stuck my finger in there (or foolishly!) and then used the oil as a hand lotion. Some very nice scents. They have a website, although I can't find it on the jars!
Here is an article on the Purdue students who created soy candles. And The Fuzzy Bean Candle Company does have an email: plus a phone number: 309-734-5807. Here is the site of another
online company if you want to have a look-see. I've emailed The Fuzzy Bean to get their website url.
Upon entering Mansfield, there was a woodcutter going at it with the chainsaw. You can see the bear in the background that was sculpted by a chainsaw. There were two eagles on a bench in the foreground, but I didn't get them in this photo.
I had to take this photo of the Charmin Grand Central Porta-Pot Station. (my name, not theirs) We figured no one would believe it! You can see the attendents there with gloved hands to go in & clean up. You can almost tell with the door that is open that it is wallpapered! Very very inviting. Some of them had diaper changing stations too. They really flushed and had water to wash the hands with also. And they didn't charge! LOL! Of course, you had to listen to non-stop Charmin commercials, but it was worth it.
I did find one shuttle in one vendor's spot, but it was one I already have several of. No thread anywhere. Too bad there weren't vendors with yarn and threads.
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