There are some fantastic male tatters - almost all are designers too, I've noticed. Browsing around on the web tonight, I find this site by Tatt-ED . And he's designed this lovely doily, Sarah's Claddagh Doily , and has posted the directions on his site too. This is a nice one to frame or attach to a little pillow. He's designed a dragonfly too, if you are collecting dragonfly patterns - I've seen several now.
Of course, everyone knows about the Houtz brothers, Gary and Randy. Everytime I see them at a lace event, I have to look at their shuttles and watch them tat with the innovation that they do. I have one of their shuttles, and shame on me, for not making myself sit down and learn how to use it.
There's Ben Fikkert, a Dutch tatter with his own books and designs too.
Look at this gorgeous fan by male/female team Edwige Renaudin & Sylvain Le Guen.
The Tatmeister! Let's not forget the great historian of tatting - consultant to the Lace Museum. He has some patterns as well as photos of his own intricate work. Fascinating story of how he came to be a tatter too.
And then there is Mark, our very own Tatman. I'll be seeing Mark on Oct. 18th when I attend the Ft. Wayne Tatting Day! I met Mark and his lovely wife, Kim, a few years ago at the Indy I.O.L.I. And wow! He's got a blogger himself!
Well, I didn't intend to focus on male tatters this evening, but it just kept on rollin'! And I've missed a few. I remember a David from Australia, and another Tatman, Roger? who does needle tatting. You'll find him on the MSN Tatting Needle Two group. And there was another fellow who's name escapes me now, but I remember he went to Ireland the year after I did and managed to hook up with a tatter I didn't know about.
Oops! Almost forgot Tim Tenclay. Not sure I have a link for him.
Maybe by the weekend I can show you my little doily in the sulky thread.
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12 hours ago
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