I think I forgot an over and under or something. LOL! I'll try it again tonight. Once I get it right, I think it'll make a teensy bookmark.
I started some filet crochet last night. I'm on row 10 of 102 rows. This is a snowman ( see magazine photo above ) and it's probably about 10 x 14 finished. I have 3 or 4 other Christmas themed filet crochet mats I have wanted to make for ages and I decided now is the time to do them. Finish them, put them away for next year (or hang onto them and enter them into the fair this summer) and then it won't be another " I meant to................" I'm using my size 20 Cebelia in white. I'm not so fond of size 20 threads for tatting anymore - they seem big, but it seems fairly small for crochet yet. It's certainly a better thread than the size 10 cotton I was going to use.
I listed a bunch of craft magazines on ebay last night. Mostly crochet or craft. No tatting yet. I have piles yet to go through. I have been waiting until I got my computer moved to start listing on ebay again, and then waited for Christmas to be over. So here it is. Thing is, once you start going through those things, you remember all kinds of projects you wanted to do! I remembered today that I need to start on my elephant again for my daughter with the March birthday.
I wonder how that snowman would look in a tatted filet? I should make up a few samples of the different filet tatting methods and see what works best. All of them have seemed too "open" to really empahsize the blocks that well.
I was in Hobby Lobby this afternoon. No needlework stuff on sale, although I did get 4 skeins of red omega yarn, a very light weight, almost baby weight yarn. I'll do some lace knitting with it. The skeins were $.69 each and I got the last 4!!
Oh hey! I got a magnifying light for Christmas! After seeing Hopie's, I wanted one to help me with retro-tatting that fine, fine thread I do sometimes. It really helped. Thank you Hope for letting me try it out! The one I got hangs around the neck and I wasn't sure at first that I would like it as well, but I think I do - I won't be pushing myself forward to look through one on the table now. No Ott light, sorry to say, but that's not as much of an issue for me. I seem to have decent light most of the time. The kids seemed confused about what to get, even though I told them the name and where to get it. I forgot there are all kinds of styles though.
I'll start scrapbooking again with my sister on New Year's Day. As soon as I get done with my east coast trip scrapbook, I'm going to start on the kids' books. With lotsa luck and prodding from my sis, I might have them done by next Christmas!
I have a feeling my days off will speed by way too fast!
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