The first pic shows the frog unfastened and the second one shows it fastened. The directions follow. You should be able to highlight, copy and paste onto a word document if you want to use the pattern.
I've also been pulling my stuff together to take with me to South Carolina. Maybe I should rent a traincar?

Tornadoes all around this evening, a touchdown about 6 miles from me but so far it appears to only be property damage. Am waiting to hear that my son & DIL and grandson made it home okay. They were returning from a Florida vacation and I know they were near Clinton County when the tornado warning was in effect then.....unless they stopped off somewhere. I had to leave a message on their cell phone. I'm sure all is well.......just waiting for everyone to "report in".

Tatted Frog Closure
Needlecraft, February 1920
Make a ring of 3 ds, p, (2 ds, p) 4 times, 3 ds, clr, RW
Chain 2 ds, p, 2 ds, RW
R 3 ds, j to last p of prior r, (2 ds, p) 4 times, 3 ds, clr, RW
Repeat rings and chains alternately until you have 7 rings and 6 chains
Chain 8 ds, p, 3 ds
Ring 3 ds, p, 3 ds, clr
Ch 4 ds
R 10 ds, clr
Ch 4 ds
R 3 ds, p, 3 ds, clr
Ch 3 ds,J to p opposite ch, 8 ds, j at base of 1st of 7 rings and fasten off.
Make the other half of frog in the same way, except that the loop is made of 36 ds instead of 10 ds, as on the button side.
Sew to garment. Sew a pearl button through the small loop of 10 ds, and over this slip the large loop on the buttonhole side.
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