Look! I found these
adorable printables on a link from
How About Orange? They're created and hosted by
Wild Olive!You can even personalize them a bit once printed out. For those who are participating in the tatting thread exchange, what a nice touch! I just used a sheet of card stock. That orange blob was meant to be an earring. Heavy hand. What can I say?
I sent off my application for the final segment of T.A.T. I'm looking forward to wrapping it up.
So here we are - the tatted snowflake center #3 from Lene Bjorn's 24 Snowflakes. None of this has been blocked, btw. The tatted center is slightly smaller than the crocheted one but blocking could easily remedy that. I hope to start crocheting the black tomorrow night - well, after crocheting another center. Both of these centers tend to bowl up in the middle. I may be crocheting and tatting the chains in both a bit too tightly.
I don't want to start yet a third pattern but I liked Umitsuru's comment about Jeanne L's rose center too. There are hexagon shaped tatted doilies out there so the outer part could be patterned after those if you didn't want to try this Irish Crochet effect. I'm excited to see where this will go with both.
No special comments about tea other than I drank plenty of iced tea today as well as fit in this tatting. I keep seeing all kinds of things to post about for TTT, but the day just seems to creep up on me like a sudden rainstorm!
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