Here is the amulet bag. It turned out okay to good. I see a few things I'll change next time. This time I only did a single set stitch handle which is fine for what I want. I'm debating on whether to make a little fabric bag for the inside. You can't really put anything in there otherwise. The next one will be from black rayon floss to make it slick and shiny. Hoping to use gold beads, if I have enough. That one will go to Kim, the new secretary. The purple one goes to Wilma, the Safety Section secretary.
Here's a tip if you've never done a split ring with beads in the picots. I automatically assumed all the beads went on the shuttle core thread as usual. WRONG! The beads that are on the 2nd half of the split ring picots need to be on that thread - which is called the ball thread or shuttle 2. On this particular project, there are 20 beads on the picot. So for the 2nd half, you slide the 20 beads from shuttle 2 up to your fingers and loop it, pinch it there while you make the wrapped ds. It will slide like a charm then. But if you had the beads on the core thread and slide them around to that side - it won't work! I had to do some retro-tatting and it wasn't pretty being around me at the time.
This is another weekend good for outdoors work, but I'm not going to get much done. I went back to bed this morning after being up early and slept til nearly noon. This week just kinda took the beans right outta me.
Laundry is done, dishes, and I finished the amulet bag. Picked some wildflowers from down over the hill. I was going to hunt mushrooms but Andy was down there with a friend hunting and I didn't see til I was already there. I did find 2 but gave them to Andy since he really didn't have all that many. My DIL had told me earlier how badly she wanted some. I walked the treadmill this evening and showered and here I am.
Tomorrow will be busy since I'm going to see my grandson. I kinda thought about getting up early so I could run some errands in town before I go instead of doing it when I get back - since I'll be tired from the drive. We'll see if I can get up in time.
Oh, made out all the bills this evening too - and that's one time consuming chore I'm glad to have done. I need to find the paperwork for my car lease too. I don't remember the miles I'm allowed and I'm concerned that I'm getting close.
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